21 Weeks

21 Weeks

How far along: 21 Weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: Total weight is right around 127. Gain total is 7-8 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Just bought the belly band. I was told to get one with silcone around the top so that it would stay put. However, that one made my skin red and itchy. Once that one was returned I got the universal one from target and it has been great. I love not having to button my pants!
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Still great. I think the key to kicking these weird dreams is toning down on the Starbucks.
Best moment this week: Spending the weekend in Greenville for my best friend's baby shower was so great! She is also having a boy at the end of the month and I couldn't be happier for her!
Worst moment this week: Feeling so behind at work. Between 2 snow days, one morning delay, and fire evacuation it was a hellish week. Hopefully we can kick butt and get caught up next week.
Miss anything: My brain. Pregnancy brain is a real struggle.... I was an unbeliever before, but now I totally empathize with those preggo women that suffer from this condition.
Movement: Small, light movements once a week. I am hoping my placenta will move out the way so that I can feel little man move more.
Cravings: Water. Water. Water. I can not drink enough.
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Honestly, a full 5 day school week would be wonderful. My kids and I are in desperate need of a set routine. Also, Brian and I are starting to refurbisher the dresser/changing table. I am planning on doing a post on this around the end of the month.

And for your viewing pleasure....

Here is what fully cooked looks like versus half baked!

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