Bearing the Birth

Being pregnant for the first time brought so many insecurities and questions. My biggest fear came with the expectations of labor and delivery. I knew hundreds of women who had had babies, but I didn't know the back stories to many of those lives.  So many times all we see is the weight and height stats and that beautiful photo of the new family for the first time usually announced via social media.

 I decided that one of the ways I could prepare myself was by reading other moms' testimonies. However, those are so few and far between. I found a few on Pinterest and randomly throughout the internet, but there were very few detailed accounts. After giving birth I couldn't wait to share my story, not only for my family and friends, but for that mom who needed a little extra encouragement. It will come, I promise!

The goal of this series is to share 12 different birthing experiences, one a month for the next year. Keep in mind every birth is different. My experience was so different from any birth that I had read about. However, we all ended at the same point in the road, our precious new son or daughter. If you are a soon-to-be mom I truly hope that these moms and their personal memoirs inspire you!

If you have a story you would like to share please contact me using the email button on the homepage.

1.) Kelly & Addy: A Premie Story

2.) Nikki & Allie: An Unexpected Delivery

3.) Charlotte & Josiah: A Suggested C-Section

4.) Macie & Porter: A Perfect Waterbirth

5.) Megan & Elise: The Bradley Method

6.) Cortney & Landon: Joy After Loss

7.) Jaime & Hank: A Might Little One

8.) Jada & Hatcher: A Change in Heart

9.) Stacy & The Twins: A Journey Through IVF

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