2 Weeks of Baby Sister

4 Days Old
1 Week

2 Weeks
Having a baby is so much like one of those grab bags from the toy store. You are so excited to get one, but you just never know what you are going to get once it's purchased! Once you have had an "easy" baby like we did with Brady I think it's only natural to compare and even be a little fearful of what a new addition is going to bring into the mix. 

We are most definitely blessed with Blake! She has nursed like a pro from day one and is such a content, happy snuggler. If the last two weeks are any indication of her babyhood I think I may just be convinced to have a bazillion more babies... HA! Not really. (Mama likes her wine and sleep.) 

We are slowly getting to know this little girl and have discovered her many likes and dislikes the last few weeks.

MILK and LOTS of it
Snuggling on anyone's shoulder
Watching the ceiling fan
She loves having her hands by her face
Bath Time (or at least the 2 she has had)

Moving positions
Diaper Changes

We won't be weighed again until 1 month, but we are pretty sure she is back up to her birth weight if not above it. She is still wearing newborn clothes and diapers, but I feel pretty confident we will be moving up in sizes in the next week or two! 

Brady has done EXCELLENT with her coming home. This picture was scary and sweet all at the same time. I had put the kids in my bed to watch a show so I could brush my teeth and maybe get some make-up on my face. I came out of my bathroom a few minutes later and Brady had literally moved Blakely from her lounger to this position. OH MY GOSH! was all I could think. "Hey buddy whatcha doing?" He responded by saying "Holding baby sister because Mama left." MOM OF THE YEAR right here. It took a few minutes but he finally gave her back once he could trust me again I guess. 

We are loving are family time of FOUR and have even been on two day trips out of town so far. This up coming week will be Blakely's first time at the beach and we can hardly wait. There is nothing like a newborn in a bathing suit, right?!


Blakely's Birth Story

I really don't even know how to start this post. Which for someone that enjoys blogging it just seems a little foreign to me. I have tried to brainstorm different ways to write about such an incredible day but I just keep coming up at a loss. I guess that IS the definition of "speechless." And, well, every time I look at my precious Blakely speechless is usually how I end up.

Blakely was a totally different pregnancy. Morning sickness, nose bleeds, intense muscle cramps... any random symptom you can think of I had it with this girl. At my 36 week apt I was already 2 cm dilated. This was when my doctor first mentioned "elective induction." I went ahead and told him that I wasn't interested and to not even worry about scheduling it. He respected my decision and asked if we could revisit the idea in a couple of weeks which I agreed to. I wanted this labor and delivery to be just like Brady's birth story. I loved everything about his birth and couldn't imagine doing anything differently, well, except the two weeks overdue part. Nonetheless it was my goal to do it the same exact way.

Last day pregnant at 40 weeks 
By 38 weeks I had hit that "pregnancy ain't even cute anymore" phase. I was miserable and had already had one false labor scare. At this point I was 4 cm and 50% effaced which was where I was when I went into labor with Brady. However, this time around everything hurt so much more than it did with him. Joints were loose and I could feel how low she was. The on-call doctor said that there was just no way I was going to make it to my 39 week visit in a few days. Well... I did. At my 39 week apt my OB checked me and I was 5 (YES 5) cm dilated and 90% (YES 90%) effaced. My doctor even joked that they could make a TLC special out of me.

That appointment was a turning point for me. He told me that the induction was totally up to me; however, his biggest fear was that my labor was going to be too quick for me to make it to the hospital since it was a 30-45 minute drive. If and when my water broke it was game over since that was basically all that was holding Blake in.  This had been in the back of mind for sometime. As the famous quote from "Gone With the Wind" goes, "I ain't know nothin' about birthin' no babies!" Brian and I both did NOT want to be delivering a baby on I-77 in rush hour traffic. Also, we were a whole lot less stressed knowing that someone was at the house with Brady as we headed to the hospital.

Ultimately, Brian and I decided to go for the induction.  My doctor guided me in making a birth plan for the day which was great since I had ABSOLUTELY NO plan other than to show up and order an epidural STAT. We walked through a few scenarios and decided that I would start on the lowest dose of oxytocin possible. Brian and I would make decisions from there as we needed to. We kinda like to live in the moment with these things which worked really well with Brady's delivery.

We arrived at the hospital around 8:00 AM. This was totally different from Brady. I was already in active labor with him and it was the middle of the night. With Blake it was so relaxing, no contractions, hanging out with the nurses and my doctor at the nurse's station. I was already getting good vibes for the day.

At 8:30 I was checked in and getting prepped for the oxytocin. The nurse said that it would most likely take 1-2 hours to start feeling anything since we were opting for the lowest dose. I was fine with that since I've heard crazy stories about how painful contractions with this particular medication could be. At 9:00 AM they administered the PIT and within 5 minutes of receiving it I was already feeling contractions 2 minutes apart. They weren't painful but they were most definitely there. 

At 10:00 my doctor came in and asked if I was ready to get the party started. SURE WAS. We upped the meds and ordered my epidural. Again they said having the epidural would slow down my progress a little bit which was fine with me since we had only been there 2 hours and I had only the Oxytocin for right at an hour. This epidural was even better than my one with Brady. I could still feel every contraction. I could move my legs easily and feel lots of pressure during delivery but no pain. 

By 11:00 my doctor came in and broke my water. He stated that he was going to go eat lunch and that he would come back so that we could start pushing around noon. I had dilated to an 8 and it definitely wasn't going to be much longer.  He came back right at noon and check me again. I was at 9 cm just about ready to push. He apparently would have just enough time to go do a C-section and then come back to deliver Blake. (Brian and I couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculously easy and right on schedule the morning was going.) 

At 12:30 my doctor came in and sat in the rocking chair across from me. He asked if I was feeling any pressure to push. I had been feeling the pressure to push for about 15 minutes now and I could tell she was in the birth canal. He told me on the next contraction to go ahead and push. I was completely confused. The bed wasn't broken down. There was only one nurse in the room and my doctor is sitting in a freakin' rocking chair staring at me! He looked at me and said that I had done this before and I knew what I was doing. He said he was going to even let me pull her out myself if I wanted. WHAT?!

Adrenaline hit me and I was ready to do this assisted or not. It was GO time. I pushed two good times. On the second push everything in the room changed. About 4 nurses and a NICU doctor rushed in. My doctor calmly told me to stop. Blakely's heart rate had gone from the high 160s to 55 in one push. I immediately had oxygen on and the doctor told me that he had to get her out on push three, possibly assisted with forceps. The nurse told me to push hard and not to stop until she was out. 

Thankfully within a few seconds of that third push Blake entered the world at 12:55. We weren't able to do skin to skin right away, as she had to be assessed. Within a few minutes she was back in my arms with a healthy heartbeat and not a single mark on her head. 


Snuggling my little girl for the first time was the most rewarding experience. I couldn't believe in just a little over 4 hours we had brought one of God's most precious gifts into the world. We spent the next few hours soaking in her sweet face and telling her all of the amazing people and things waiting for her at home.

Blake Elise Anderson born March 6, 2017 at 12:55 pm
     Weight 6 lb 10 oz        Length 19 inches 

She is more precious than rubies; and all the things that you desire are not to be compared to her. Proverbs 3:15

As hopeful as I was that I would go into labor on my own I have been humbled by my experience with elective induction. I think sometimes we are so quick to hear others (OR Dr. Google's) stories and commentaries on how negative their experience may have been with a medically induced birth. We use those comments to compare what may or may not happen with our own experiences and as loving moms we freak.

 I hope that Blakely's story is one that encourages and excites a new mama (or a second time mama)  who may be faced with the decision of induction. Yes, absolutely do your research, but never let someone scare you into making a decision you aren't comfortable with. God had a perfect plan for our little girl's entrance into the world and I couldn't be happier with the blessing we have received from that.

Maternity photos

It really is true that second babies get the short end of the stick. I have tried so hard to keep up with bump pics, weekly monthly updates, and baby book entries. Even though I am home more this time around, something about having a two year old just doesn't make it feasible. 

I had all intentions to do maternity photos and had even booked an outdoor nature shoot. However, between one of our cars going in the shop, Brian being sick and a mound of tax and business paperwork on my desk it just didn't happen. I did begin to harbor a little bit of mom guilt about not giving this pregnancy the same amount of attention as Brady's, but it just is what it is. 

Today is most likely one of my last pregnant with baby dos. My sister and mom are down for the weekend and I was telling them how sad I was I didn't do a few maternity pictures. My sister immediately said she could take a few with her iPhone. To be honest I kinda thought she was joking. But after she told me to go throw some make up on and run a curling iron through my hair I realized she was serious. It took us about 30 minutes to snap a few in Blake's room and I really couldn't believe how cute they came out! 

Happy 40 WEEKS AND DUE DATE to Miss. Blakely Elise. Mama can't wait to meet you! 

38+ weeks

How Far Along? Right at 38 weeks in this picture.

Size of Baby: 6-7 lbs. 

Gender: Sweet baby girl! 

Weight Gain: At this week's apt 142. This was right on rack with where I was with Brady.  

Maternity Clothes: I am wearing one pair of jeans pretty much everyday. The weather has been so warm the last few weeks so I have resorted to all of my maternity clothes that I wore with Brady. ANDDDDD.... of course my favs are anything that is Brian's lounge wear. 

Nursery: Officially done! Just got my monogramed crib sheet in and finished organizing the closet. We couldn't be more excited to bring her home to it. 

Movement: TONS and tons of movement. 

Symptoms: I am having lots of joint loosening. This has been a totally new experience for me. I never had this with Brady and it is pretty uncomfortable. 

Sleep: Nope. It's not happening. 

Cravings: Water and ice and more ice.

What I Miss:  I know this sounds awful, but I really do miss my pre-pregnancy body. I am totally relating to April the Giraffe these days. Large and not so much in charge. 

Best Moment This Week:  I have accomplished a ton of my "to-do" items before baby girl arrives. My dad and I were abel to tackle the garage and get it cleaned out and organized. I also took all of our carseats apart and thoroughly cleaned and sanitized them. My car has been cleaned and the pantry is finally organized. 

Looking forward to: Meeting baby girl in JUST A FEW WEEKS! I really can't wait to meet my new best friend!