Charlotte & Josiah: A Suggested C-section

Charlotte and I went to school together back in Charleston. She is an incredible example of a hard working mom that would do anything for babies. Reading her birth story reminded me that sometimes things don't always go as planned and medical professionals are sometimes only as good as the technology they possess. Despite her not being able to choose her birth plan Charlotte gave birth to a handsome little boy who is the light of her life! 

            It was a few days before New Years 2012 when I found out I was pregnant.  My husband and I had been married less than 4 months at the time so it came as a happy surprise.  Hundreds of worries and questions immediately entered my mind in the minutes following the news. The one thing that I never had to think about, though, was how I planned to give birth. I had done clinicals at the birth clinic and knew that I wanted an all-natural vaginal birth with no pain meds. My pregnancy was so smooth. I barley had any morning sickness, and I only threw up once. I was in EMT school and didn’t miss any days; I was able to work my clinicals both in the ER and on the ambulance with no problems. I had a lot of energy! Then at my 37 week ultrasound I was informed that the baby was measuring big and that I might need a c-section.
             I was dead set against it, God made my body to be able to have babies. Why would I “need” a c-section. My doctor explained to me that my son was measuring about 11lbs and that he was afraid that if I tried to deliver he was going to get stuck in the birth canal which could be fatal. It could also hinder my ability to have more children. His shoulder might also get stuck and he would never be able to use it. I was terrified. The thought that if I delivered naturally I could potentially hurt my child didn’t make sense. I was only 21 and I didn't want to loose the ability to have more babies. I was afraid. So I listened to my doctor and set the date for the c-section at 39 weeks. 
            I went in on that morning knowing that in less than 3 hours I would have my baby boy here. I was excited to finally meet him, but I still didn’t want to have the c-section. I got my IV and shortly after they took me into the OR. The anesthesiologist gave me the spinal. As I starred into my husband’s eyes I was filled with every emotion I knew. Instantly, I started going numb. They laid me on the table and started to prep. They placed a blue drape up so no one could see anything. With my mom on one side and my husband on the other they started to cut me open. I felt very weak and suddenly I heard a monitor beep and saw panic on my mother's face. 
            The anesthesiologist gave me some medicine and told me my blood pressure had dropped dangerously low, but that this would help. After that the process happened so fast and at exactly noon my son was born. What a precious cry! They placed him on the scale…7lbs 14oz. After admiring him and kissing his face, I tried to not think about how angry I was at the doctor. They showed him to us and then he was whisked to the nursery for his exam. My husband went with him and my mom was able to stay with me. It took about 30 minutes for the doctors to sew me up.


                Come to find out I had an abnormally large amount of amniotic fluid. The amount of fluid threw off the measurements from the ultrasound. I struggled with the idea that since I didn’t get to give birth naturally it made me less of a mom. I have since made my peace with it. I now have two beautiful children, both happy and healthy.  

Nikki & Allie: An Unexpected Delivery

Nikki is a colleague of mine from college. She is a talented educator and a mother of three. Supermom if you ask me. I met her in my first literacy course at the University of South Carolina, where we were asked to write a memoir. I remember Nikki being asked to read hers in front of the class. She shared the story below and I remember being completely blown away by her courage and strength as a mom. I think you will agree with me after reading this incredible birth story.  

We found out that we were expecting our third child in early 2005.  My husband and I had two lively, lovable little boys and were excited to be blessed with another child.  It was pretty clear early-on that this pregnancy was going to be different than my previous two.  
When I reached the twelve week mark, I began having some spotting.  I worked a very physically demanding job at the time and was switched to light duty to lessen the strain on my body.  Despite the change in work demands, I continued to experience some spotting over the next several weeks.  My doctor decided that an ultrasound was in order at my next appointment.  I remember watching the screen as the doctor evaluated the baby.  I was praying to see the familiar flutter of a tiny heart so that I would know that my precious little one was alright.  The doctor determined that the baby was fine but the placenta was not.  There was a tear near the bottom which meant that a visit to a specialist would be needed.
A few days later, my husband and I went to see the specialist in Columbia.  The specialist decided that limited activity and no lifting of my two boys would decrease the chance of an early delivery or placental previa (basically a rupture of the placenta).  During our visit that day, we learned that our tiny baby was a girl.  The tears really flowed then!
Over the next months my doctors monitored the placenta closely.  As we got closer to baby girl’s due date it looked like the placental tear had healed.  The worry now was how well it would fair during labor and delivery.  In the last few weeks of my pregnancy we began to look at induction dates to make sure that my doctor would be there for the delivery.  Despite our best intentions, my doctor did not make the delivery.
My daughter’s birth story is quite different from that of my boys.  Both boys were born at the same hospital and delivered by my doctor.  Allie however, was not born at any hospital nor was she delivered by a doctor.  
I began having contractions very early on a Saturday morning.  Both of my previous labors had been pretty quick, so my husband and I got the boys taken care of and headed quickly to the hospital.  We were taken to Labor and Delivery and checked in.  After a few hours of monitoring we were told that it wasn’t time and the nurse sent us home.  
I spent the rest of the day resting on the couch and timing contractions.  The day crept by, and I was feeling pretty uncomfortable.  My husband, the boys and I watched a movie that night and by the end I decided that I had had enough of lying around.  I was beyond ready to have my baby girl in my arms, so I thought that if I walked around a while the contractions might become stronger and more regular.  No such luck!  
I went to bed early that night and rested pretty well until about 4:30 a.m.  The contractions had become so strong that they woke me.  I didn’t want to bother my husband until I was sure, so I went to the living room to read and time the contractions.  By the time I reached the living room, reading was not an option.  It was all I could do to time the contractions.  I soon realized that this was the real deal.  According to my somewhat distracted efforts at timing the contractions were about two minutes apart.  At that point I decided that it was time to wake my husband for some help with the timing.  
I started to walk back to the bedroom to get him but had to stop before I even made it out of the living room.  A very strong contraction stopped me in my tracks and I lifted the entire pack and play off the floor with my non-dominant hand.  I woke my husband while kneeling through a contraction on the floor beside the bed.  He quickly jumped to action and called the doctor’s on-call service to let them know my status and called my parents to have them come over to sit with the boys.  The answering service told him that the doctor would call us back in few minutes.  
I figured that I should probably use the potty before we got in the car, so I headed to bathroom.  I ended up making a stop or two on the way in and out of the bathroom.  I then had to stop and fight through another contraction while sitting on my oldest son’s bed.  I made my way toward the back door.  The contractions were right on top of each other at that point.  I got as far as our dining room and couldn’t take another step.  I lowered myself to the floor and had to lie down.
I told my husband that there was no way I could make it to the car.  He started to get a little flustered when I told him that we could not wait on the doctor to call us and we most certainly couldn’t get to the hospital.  Before the doctor had a chance to call back we had to dial 911.  
The contractions were not that painful at that point but they were non-stop.  As my husband was explaining the situation to the 911 operator I was trying to keep from pushing.  The pressure to push was unbearable.  I told my husband that I was going to have to push.  The operator heard me and told my husband not to let me push because the EMTs were on the way.  What?!  How was I supposed to NOT push?  I don’t think that the operator understood that not pushing was impossible.  I mean there was no stopping it.  I insisted that I had to push and the operator gave in and said that I could push.  At that point the paramedics were still not near my house.  
I pushed three times and it was all over.  My sweet baby girl had arrived!  My husband considers her delivery to be his greatest accomplishment.  He caught her and wrapped her up in towels.  He even sacrificed a shoelace from his brand new shoes to tie off the umbilical cord.  I was of course concerned that the baby might not be breathing or healthy.  The EMTs were still not there.   We waited about five to ten more minutes before they arrived.  It was a relief to have trained medical personnel there to reassure us that everything with baby girl looked great.  

We were both loaded in the ambulance and taken to the hospital.  Apparently accidental home births are a big deal at our hospital because as were wheeled in the ER folks lined the hallway and packed my room to gawk.  It’s a good thing I’m not that bashful.  We stayed at the hospital overnight and returned home the next morning.  I had always worried that my water would break in public or that I might need to have a c-section.  I never would have guessed that my husband would be delivering our baby in the dining room!

Postpartum Update

I have had a few requests for a postpartum update, along with questions as to how I lost the baby weight. Let me start off by saying I am NOT (and probably never will be) a fitness/dieting guru. I binge just as quickly as the next the person. If you see me in the gym I will most likely be seen wandering around looking for the nearest vending machine. However, a healthy routine coupled with a few great resources were life savers when it came to my recovery.

Here I am full term, about a week before Brady was born. YIKES! Look at the seam on that poor shirt!

At my first appointment I weighed 119 and at 42 weeks (yes, that's right, 42 weeks) I weighed 145 pounds.  I lost a couple of pounds the week I delivered, staying right where I was supposed to for weight gain, at a total of 26 pounds. The key for me was staying active. Again, I didn't do any hard core exercise. I simply took the dogs for a walk after work. Brian and I would get out and go to concerts, festivals, whatever kept me active.

Here I am in labor. That baby belly, whoa! My doctor suggested I use primrose oil the last few weeks of pregnancy.  You can read all about its uses here. In pregnancy it specifically helps in dilation of the cervix, as well as aids in the recovery of the goods down under. I barely tore and was able to quickly recover without any long lasting effects. If you are pregnant I definitely suggest using the capsules the last few weeks. (Quick tip: even though you can, don't take them orally. I am sure you can figure out what to do.)

As soon as we were transported to recovery I put my belly bandit on.  This is seriously the best money I spent for recovery. Now, do NOT go into recovery thinking you will be back to that size 2 the day after. Awesome product, yes! Magical miracle worker, no. The belly bandit is super effective in 'locking and loading' all of those core muscles that have loosened over the past nine months. It gives the uterus tons of support while it shrinks back to normal size.  I felt like my lower back and abdomen were strengthened even after day one. When I first put it on I could barely get the Velcro to reach.  By the end of one week postpartum I was able to fully wrap it around. (That was a nice little ego boost, for sure!) This is what the BB looked like after ten days postpartum.  All-in-all I wore mine for 6 full weeks during the day only. If you aren't sure about this specific one there are tons of other compression wraps to choose from. Definitely do the research and find one right for you. You won't be sorry!

Breastfeeding was a huge help in my post baby weight loss as well. I pump 3 to 4 times a day. I literally sit on the couch and watch Netflix for 15 minutes and by the end of the day I have burned approximately 500 calories. Ummmmm.... yes, please! 

Lastly, diet and exercise weren't overly intense for me. During my initial recovery I was starving all the time! Breastfeeding requires a ton of stored energy so I had to to supply that fuel by giving my body foods that were going to help me keep up. I kept tons of snacks on hand. Anything from fruits and protein bars to granola, pretzels, and peanut butter are all great power foods and are easy to grab-n-go. At the same time I treated myself to a pastry or ice cream if I wanted it. My doctor told me I could have whatever I wanted, so naturally I took that in the literal sense.

 Exercise was the one area I struggled with the most. I went back down to my pre-pregnancy weight in less than two weeks. But let me tell ya, my stomach did not look the same. It was all types of loosey-goosey and not the fun college kind. I decided that I didn't want a strong cardio workout. My body wasn't high in fat. It just needed some muscle strengthening and toning. After looking around I found the perfect workout called Barre. The objective is to create long lean muscles versus dropping excess weight. My local YMCA offers these classes at a fair price. However, there are tons of at-home workouts posted on youtube. 

I am going on four months postpartum and feel fairly confident in my "new" body. There are days where I don't feel like I look my best, but I think everyone goes through that occasionally. I remind myself that my body has done something incredible and it should commended, not criticized. I am going to keep working hard to stay active. As for eating healthy I won't make any promises. The holidays are quickly approaching after all.   

2 Weeks PP

6 Weeks PP

10 Weeks PP

Brady's Dedication

I have been meaning to add this post for the past week, but with work quickly approaching I have gotten slightly behind. Brady was dedicated almost two weeks ago and I will have more family pictures up once I receive them.

  Brian and I knew we wanted to dedicate him versus a baptism or christening. We are strong believers in baptism, but believe that our children should make that decision for themselves (with our guidance) once they have chosen salvation. That being said Brady's dedication was more of a public declaration that we, as his parents, will raise him in the christian faith. We invited our closest friends and family to celebrate this joyful day with us. Our church is rather large so Brady was dedicated with fifteen other babies. I was a little nervous as to how this was going to be personalized, but our children's ministry did a fantastic job of creating a special dedication for each family. There was a short message and then each father was asked to read his letter of vision (you can read ours below) to friends and family. Then there was a time for prayer over Brady's life. (Cue mama's downpour of tears!) 

Afterwards, everyone came back over to our house for a reception and fellowship. Brady's Aunt Krissy even traveled all the way from the big city of Sumter, SC to be with us! We couldn't have asked for a better day! 

Do you have your tissues? I know I do. 

Here is Brian's letter to Brady:

September 28, 2014

Dear Brady,

Your mother and I could not be happier that God has given us such a precious gift as yourself.  We enjoy watching you grow more and more each day and cannot wait to see the young man you will become.  It is our prayer that God gives you strength like Sampson and grants you courage like Daniel.  We pray He makes you a great leader like Joshua and gives you the faith of Abraham, that you have a heart for lost, lonely people like Paul. But most importantly we hope and pray that you will be filled with the never-giving-up, never-ending, always-and-forever, un-breaking love known only to those who have placed their lives in the hands of our heavenly Father.  It is our privilege to hold your hand as God leads us all through this great adventure together. 



Fall Fun

It is here! Fall is finally making its debut. I have been looking forward to the holidays with Brady since I found out I was pregnant. And yes, I consider Fall a holiday.  Cider, hay rides, sunflowers, oh my! Even though Brady is still so little everything seems a little bit more magical with him apart of it.

Brian and I went on a date to our favorite orchard last weekend. We drank hard cider and hung out with some of our very best friends, while my parents babysat Brady. We had a blast picking apples, while stumbling amongst the loose chickens and hogs. I just knew I had to bring Brady back for some fun, not to mention I needed another dozen of apple cider donuts. 

One of my dearest friends, Jada, and her two sons joined us. She is a fellow lover of all things southern. She and I were in all of our glory while we ate apple cider donuts, sweet tea, and slaw dogs. Her oldest had a blast playing with the chickens (also known as cluck-clucks), a sweet kitten, and a bunch of other farm animals. We can't wait to bring all the kids here next year!

I was able to score some small pumpkins, white and orange, for decorating the mantel.  Plans this week include finishing my fall wreath, finding a halloween outfit for little man, and making a pumpkin pie, using this recipe:

Lastly, a little flashback Friday fun.  This picture was taken a year ago at the same orchard.  I was only 4 weeks pregnant and didn't even know it! This just so happened to be our first picture as a family of three.

Happy Fall, Ya'll!