Kelly & Adalyn: A Premie Story

Our very first "Bearing the Birth" story comes from a mom very special to me, my sister.  I experienced most of this particular birth first-hand. It made me look at my baby sister in a whole new way. She was so brave and has flourished into one of the most amazing moms I know.  Here is her story:

This is the birth story of my daughter Adalyn. I became pregnant with Addy the Summer of 2011. I found out I was pregnant on Thursday, July 28. I was very excited when I found out about my pregnancy. I started to look around at some different OBGYN’s right away. I made an appointment with one I was referred to by a friend. A few days prior to the appointment I started bleeding. This concerned me very much because I knew bleeding during pregnancy was not a good sign. I called the doctor immediately and they had me come in the next day. It was really upsetting because the doctor I met with did not seem to care about my problem of bleeding. She told me that spotting could be normal in the first trimester or it could become a miscarriage, “...which would suck” as she put it. It was then I knew I need to switch doctors.

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I went to another doctor soon after. He was very helpful and knowledgeable. The bleeding subsided. From there on I had several appointments with my new OB. They were all very routine and everything seemed normal. My due date was set for April 13, 2012. I had quite a bit of morning and night sickness in my first trimester, but it stopped when the second trimester came. I found out in November that I was having a baby girl and couldn't have been happier! I was working full time in a hair salon and taking a couple classes in college. I stayed active and felt really great throughout the pregnancy. I had plenty of energy and was eating healthy along with taking my prenatal vitamins.
On Friday, February 3, 2012 I went by to visit my parents after work. I went to use the bathroom and when I wiped I had lost my mucus plug in the tissue. I instantly was afraid because I knew this could not be normal. No one had talked to me about this being common in pregnancy; plus I still had 10 weeks to go! I called my doctor right away and told him. He asked if I was in pain and when I said no, he told me not to worry about it. In very rare cases women can lose their mucus plugs as early as the second trimester.  The next day I was highlighting my mom’s hair when I started experiencing severe cramps every five minutes.  The remainder of the afternoon and into the evening brought continuous cramping. I called the OB again and they told me to take Benadryl and that if I couldn't fall asleep after taking it that it was contractions and I was most likely going into labor. Again, I felt that no one on my OB team seemed overly concerned with my symptoms, but me!
Well, I did not sleep the whole night and decided early Sunday morning that I was going to the emergency room. The hospital I went to informed me I was indeed going into labor and that I was one centimeter dilated! I couldn't believe it!  This was so overwhelming to me since I was not supposed to have my daughter until April. The hospital told me that I was going into premature labor and that they had to send me via ambulance down to another hospital (MUSC) because they did not have the level 3 NICU for premature babies.

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Addy at One Day Old
Upon arriving at the hospital I was a nervous wreck. I tried to remain as calm as possible but they were not giving me very much information. They were using medications to try to slow down contractions in hopes of stopping the labor.  It did helped ease them, but the contractions never fully stopped. My contractions and my daughter’s heart rate were being monitored the whole night. The doctor came in the next morning. She pulled out the long paper strip of results. Instantly she said she did not like was she saw and that we're going to deliver my baby NOW! I immediately started crying. I did not know what was going to happen. Everything was happening so fast. When I asked questions they gave me very vague answers. Later I realized it was because the hospital staff did not want me to put more stress on my body for me or Addy. I was given an epidural and take into the operating room where they performed and emergency cesarean section (c-section). The final diagnosis from the doctors is that my placenta had ruptured and that every time I contracted her heart rate would plummet. They tried to stop the labor and once they saw that was not working they proceeded with my c-section.  

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Addy at One Week in the NICU
My daughter, Adalyn, was born 10 weeks early on February 6, 2012 at 10:28 am. She weighed 3 lbs 7 oz. They kept her in the NICU for four weeks until she was finally able to come home with me. I was in the NICU with her every day. It was very difficult and such a scary experience to go through. She was 4 lbs 10 oz when she was discharged. She came home with a heart monitor that she used for six weeks. I am pleased to say that Adalyn is now two and half years old and weighs 35 lbs. She loves to color and eat bananas and blueberries.

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Addy coming home with her heart monitor.

My message to expecting moms is that if you feel something isn't right share it. If your doctor doesn't listen then find someone that will. For first time moms it can be so hard to know what is normal and was it not. Please don’t let my story scare you, rather use my experience as a message. You may not be able to control what happens, but you do have the power to use your maternal instincts. 

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Two and a Half

OBX Family Photos

Photo Credits: Kristin Dustman Photography

As so many of you know it is hard to get the whole family together once your siblings marry off and have babies. Brian's family has it even harder since everyone is spread throughout the country. It had been a long time since they had any sort of family photos taken with everyone together.  So we wanted to make the most our of OBX trip and have those professional photos done as a special keepsake. Not to mention we had some pretty cute kiddos to capture.

As always I contacted my dear friend and talented photographer, Kristin Dustman. She drove from Charlotte with her family to shoot these.  I think the pictures speak for themselves when showcasing her fantastic work! If we are lucky she may be doing some Fall mini sessions. Definitely hit her up if you are in the Queen City or surrounding areas!

Seriously, how beautiful are my niece and nephew!  We absolutely adore them and their spunky personalities. Brady is so lucky to have such fun cousins.

 Could my little buddy be any cuter?! That smile brightens my world every single day. I am so glad we have these special memories to treasure, as well as to remind us the importance of relationship and family in our lives.

3 Months & Favorites

12 Weeks

I know I say this every post, but gracious Brady is growing and time is flying.  We are having a blast over here in the Anderson household. We have finished up the last of our adventures for the Summer and are preparing for Fall! Brady didn't need a 3 month well visit so we don't have height and weight stats this month. However, we are quickly saying goodbye to those 0-3 month clothes. So either he is getting bigger or I need to change laundry detergent. 

Finger Puppets (See our favs board below) 
Terry the Wubbanub
Bath Time
Sitting Up
Tummy Time
Car Rides
When daddy blows raspberries on his belly
Cuddling with Mom

Outfit Changes
Laying on his back or being cradled 
Loud Noises

As we prepare for a new season there are so many exciting things to look forward to.  Next Sunday is Brady's baby dedication. I can't wait to celebrate this special event with all of our close family and friends. We are also planning a trip to the local apple orchard. Apples, hay rides, and hard cider... I can't think of any other way to welcome Fall.  

Also, for all of those soon-to-be new or expecting moms, I have a special series coming your way.  I have teamed up with some awesome moms that will be sharing their birth experiences.  From natural to epidural, to water birth and adoptions, they will be sharing testimonies of their labors. That will be premiering next month and I can't wait!


You truly light up our life! Daddy has written a special letter just for you next weekend.  I can't wait to hear his vision for you over the next 18 years. We love you so much and are already so proud of you. Though there are moments you make my life messy and exhausting, I wouldn't trade the world for that smile of yours. You have finally made us whole when we didn't even know we were missing something! Love you to the moon and back little man.


1. Puj Tub: I recently included this in our registry favorites and because we have used it so much I wanted to included it in our monthly favorites. I wasn't quite sure if I was going to like it at first, but it has become one of my go-to items. The Puj is so much better than those big bulky tubs. It fits in virtually any sink and is so comfy for baby. Not to mention we get to stand at the vanity versus being down on our knees during bath time. It dries instantly and hangs on a hook in the shower for easy storage and travel.

2. NYM Dry Shampoo: Now that Brady is here there are just some days where I either don't have the time or energy for a shower.  Though some gals can get away without washing their hair everyday, I can't. So my new favorite hair product is dry shampoo. I spray it around my crown and down my part. Once I finger it through I can do a quick curl with the iron at my ends and I'm done. For busy moms on the go this is a great product.

3. aden + anais Muslin Blankets: These muslin blankets are another repeat item. However, we have gotten so much use out of them, especially having a summer baby.  We have had multiple beach vacations and they have worked great as nursing covers, allowing Brady to eat without over-heating. Though a bit pricey you will definitely get your money's worth. 

4. Baby Moccasins: Swoon! I am loving all of the fall fashions out for baby boy right now.  These boots with the fringe had me drooling. I just had to have them. They do run big though. I ordered a size one for Brady at 3 months of age and they are still a bit big. 

5. Bumbo: Most of you know the purpose of this item.  Brady has just started using his with supervision, of course. Though he has great head control during tummy time he still struggles to hold his head up when vertical. The Bumbo has really helped. Plus he gets to be on eye level with us, which he loves.

6. Finger Puppets: Brady LOVES these things.  We have been on lots of long car rides and these have been a life saver.  He started out liking to "talk" to Terry, the wubbanub.  However, the paci kept getting in the way.  Our friend, Austyn, had these and gave us a few to try out. They were instantly a hit.  Brady coos to them like they are actually having conversations. So cute!

7. Thirty-One Tote: If you have anything to do with education I am sure you already have one (or ten) of these. I know I did.  Yet, my sister purchased us one as a diaper bag.  She had Brady's name personalized on it in gold thread. So adorable! It has so many great pockets on the sides and the newer style zips which is great because Lord knows I don't keep it organized.  Definitely functional for traveling or just a day out.

The Andersons at OBX

This week was the very first (of many, we hope) Anderson beach vacation.  We chose the Outer Banks as our destination. Brian's family is kinda all over the map so this was a great meeting point for everyone. As many of you know it is so difficult to coordinate holidays once siblings are married and babies are born. Therefore, we decided by vacationing together once a year everyone can be together without the holiday madness.

 Brady did so great on the drive.  It was his farthest trip yet at 6.5 hours.  He took it like a pro! We are so thankful he is such a laid back baby.  We are a pretty fast pace family so he has had to learn to hang early on. 

The first few days were a bit overcast. We made the most of our in-door time by hanging out with the kiddos, cooking/baking, and catching up with the whole family.  By mid week the weather had drastically improved and we spent the entirety of our days on the beach.  Brady took all of his naps outside in our beach tent.  This vacation was just our speed as we bummed it pretty much the rest of the week on the beach.


One of my favorite parts of this vacation was watching Brady interact with his cousins.  Riley was such a baby-pro. She fed him his bottles, helped me give him a bath, and sang to him to when he got fussy. It was such a fun experience watching her love on him. 

Reality is back in full swing as we have arrived home. Lots of big events are coming up in the next few weeks including Brady's baby dedication, our anniversary, Brian's parents cross-country move, and I am returning to work.  This week reminded us how important family time is in the midst of this crazy life. Without family we don't truly know who we are. 

We are hoping to make this trip an annual event from here on out. So until next OBX... we will drink margaritas in your memory!