Gender Reveal

Baby number two was most definitely a surprise. In fact having another baby was probably one of the last things on our mind as we prepared to make a huge move and renovate our forever home. Brian was getting ready to start an outage with crazy hours at work and Melodies in Motion was (and still is) taking off in ways I couldn't imagine. In our minds we had to get our junk together before we could even think about adding another member to the fam. But God knew what our family needed. It didn't matter if we were preventing He knew it was time. As I have hit the halfway point of this pregnancy I couldn't imagine not carrying this life in my womb. The anxiety and fear that hit when I found out was well worth it because I have been reminded that my life is not my own. It is God's.

This weekend we were able to share our new home and the gender of our precious bundle with all of our friends! We have known the gender for a few months and it was seriously that HARDEST SECRET I have EVER kept. It was such a relief finally telling everyone.

Baby GIRL Anderson coming in hot March 2017!

Blakely Elise Anderson we can NOT wait to bring you home in just a few months! We are so excited that you are making us parents again and we can't even begin to imagine what exciting memories you are going to help our family create! 

Halfway Baby!


How Far Along? HALF WAY! I have finally gotten my act together and am trying to get on top of my pregnancy updates for this baby.
Size of Baby: Size of a tomato (except not round?) Baby is 6 inches long and weighs around 8.5 oz. 
Gender: GIRL! 
Weight Gain: I gained back all of the weight I loss in the first trimester. I am weighing in at 122 lb. That is a couple of pounds more than my pre pregnancy weight. 
Maternity Clothes: YES. Not needed but I just LOVE them all! 
Nursery: My whole family evacuated during Hurricane Matthew a few weekends ago. My mom and sister went into decor mode and got baby girl's nursery about 75% of the way done. I absolutely love what they started and can't wait to get it finished. 
Movement: YES! This has definitely made up for all the sickness. I never really felt Brady move which was always nerve wracking. Yet, with this pregnancy I feel movement randomly throughout the day and a TON at night. 
Symptoms: Just the occasional round ligament pain. All in all I have been feeling great
Sleep: Yep.
Cravings: Nothing in particular. I do love an ice cold soda or warm, toasty coffee. Really into beverages lately. 
What I Miss:  I have missed the hard cider at the orchard and the seasonal beers that come out this time of year. 
Best Moment This Week:  Our gender reveal and housewarming party this past weekend.
Looking forward to: Buying everything girly the next few months! 


First Trimester Update

I am finally taking a day to catch up on on all my pregnancy posts. It has just been so much harder this time around with the new house and all of the renovations that have come along with that.  Sorry baby girl. You may not have as many pregnancy updates as Brady, but I promise to make it up to you in headbands and tutus! 

8 Weeks
This pregnancy was quite the surprise. It was extremely overwhelming finding out we were expecting in the middle of selling one house and then buying and renovating another. Throw a 2 year old and running a business into the mix and I was beyond 'first trimester' exhausted. Now that we are settled in our family couldn't be more excited to welcome a sweet new bundle into our home! Plus I can NOT wait to wear leggings and fluffy socks all pregnancy/winter long! 

15 Weeks
During my pregnancy with Brady I remember thinking that pregnancy was a breeze, especially in the first trimester. I was never nauseous or really tired and weak feeling. When other girls would discuss how rough the first 12-14 weeks were I would think how it honestly couldn't be that bad. Well friends, the pregnancy fairy has come back to bite me in the butt and hard. The first trimester of this pregnancy was nothing short of a living hell. I lost ten pounds in six weeks from throwing up multiple times a day. That along with the pregnancy made me lethargic all day long. But don't worry! I have rallied and gained it ALL back and then some! Thank you new double oven and all the baked goods you are putting out. 

Now for a little first trimester updated! 

How Far Along? Weeks 6-14 for this post. Gotta love playing the catch up game.
Size of Baby: Baby is the size of a plum. Weighing in right at .49 oz and 2.1 in long.
Gender:  We were originally told boy at our first ultrasound. (Like who knew that they could even tell gender that early on...) Later our DNA results came in and we found out we are having a GIRL! 
Weight Gain/Loss: I started this pregnancy right around 120 and by 12 weeks I was down to 110 lbs. (Haven't seen that number since middle school!) All-day sickness is the absolute WORST.
Maternity Clothes: None unless you count the maternity leggings I have been wearing for 3 years since being pregnant with Brady. 
Nursery: Nowhere close
Movement: YES! I felt the first little flutters right around 12-13 weeks. My placenta is anterior this time and baby loves to snuggle right up against the uterine wall.  
Symptoms: Every. Single. One.
Sleep: Best ever! 
Cravings: The same cravings I had with Brady... Egg Mcmuffin and coke from McDonalds. You health nuts can all roll your eyes at me now. 
What I Miss: My energy levels. It's hard being down and out most of the time.
Best Moment This Week: Finding out baby girl's gender was the best moment in the whole trimester! 
Looking Forward To: A growing baby bump!