Christmas PHOTOS 2017



7 & 8 Months

Ugh. Behind again. But what could be better than a seven month update, but a SEVEN & EIGHT month update! That's right. This girl has been with us just as long about as long as I was pregnant with her! SO crazy! 


We haven't had a wellness visit the last few months, but we are guessing Blakely is around 16 lbs now that it is the end of November. As for Blakely's firsts in month seven:

First Halloween and First Thanksgiving
First tooth plus one (2 teeth have popped up on the bottom front)
First airplane ride

Watching Brady
Being outside
Her Bunny lovey
Being held mostly by Mama
Bath Time

Diaper changes
Being on her back
If Mama walks out of a room
Dairy (Thank you Jesus for Colief)


Eight months has sounded so old to me this month but Blakely is still so dependent on me that it gives me comfort that these long, long days are giving me just a little bit more time with her as a baby.  This girl is literally obsessed with me which is so different from Brady. He would go to anyone at anytime with zero fuss. Blakely freaks if I put her down and I can just forget about leaving a room with her in it. I literally have to ninja my way out of her sight or it's game. over.

This month has been a BIG month for her. She is cutting two more teeth up top and we finally have MOVEMENT. Girlfriend is doing her own version of crawling and it is just the cutest. She can also say "da-da-da-da" which is super annoying since she only wants me to hold her and I did carry and birth her, ya know? 

Her lovey
ALL FOOD including Thanksgiving dinner
Remotes or anything with buttons
The christmas tree lights
Smiling at new people and then cuddling towards mama to hide
Being able to move
Putting EVERYTHING in her mouth

When mama makes her hold her bottle
Diaper Changes
Napping anywhere but her crib
When her high chair tray is empty

As always we are busy, but I am determined to soak up these last few months of my baby's first year. Blakely, you are growing so fast and I am so excited for our bond to only grow closer. 

Happy 8 months little girl! 

6 Month Photos and Update

Baby Blakely you are the absolute sweetest baby ever! Those chubby thighs and baby blues literally make my heart explode. Your sweet personality has really started to blossom this month. You are going to be my cuddle bug. You absolutely love balling up and burrowing yourself into my chest when I am holding you. I can tell you are going to be sensitive, caring and all together a lover.

You have started on solids with us at the table. Your favorites are small bites of eggs and applesauce. Food is definitely a fan favorite of yours and if we don't spoon it to you fast enough you let us know with your deafening squeals. You are still sleeping like a champ and absolutely love tummy time and practicing sitting for longer periods of time. You are starting to get in the crawl position but have found it is faster to just scoot backwards and roll to get around.

This month's stats:

Weight: 16.5 lbs
Length: Still gotta look this up. (second child props)

Bath Time in the big tub
Tummy Time
Anything shiny
Being tickled
Mama (She is a mama's girl to the max)
The exersaucer 

Being left alone too long
Diaper Changes

Happy HALF BIRTHDAY sweet baby girl! Love you so very much! 

Blakely's Five Month Update

FIVE Months baby girl! You are an absolute joy in our life and though I wish you were little forever I am having the best time of my life watching you grow. You are so laid back and absolutely LOVE watching your brother. I can tell it is going to be your life goal to keep you with him and all of his shenanigans. 

You are such a big girl now. You are sitting up with some help and are rolling all over the room. I can't take my eyes off of you for more than a few seconds before you are on the other side of your tummy time blanket. You are cooing and oohing when other people talk to you and your big belly laughs are our absolute favorite.

You tried your first few bites of baby food this month. You initially pushed it out with your tongue. I figured you weren't quite ready and got up to put it back in the refrigerator. Girlfriend would NOT have it. You lost your mind when you saw me walk away with it. I sat back down and you finish the entire jar. Food is life. 

Five Month Stats:

Weight: 16 lbs 3 oz
Length: **Need to find the milestone sheet! 

Anything for teething
We are STILL waiting on these teeth to come in from all the drooling that you are doing.
Baby food: Pears and squash are crowd pleasers
Sitting up
When we help you stand
Car rides
The Beach

The first five minutes of nap time...serious FOMO issues.

We can't believe you have been with us for almost half a year. You are the most precious little girl and we love you to the moon and back! 

4th of July and 4 months for Blakely

Red, white and blue and everything cute! Blakely turned four months on July 6th! I feel like she is officially out of the infant/new born stage. It has such a different experience from one kid to the  next, but I am quickly learning parenting is all about being "on your toes".

4 Month Updates

Weight: Around 12 lbs
Length: Not sure. We didn't have a wellness visit this month.

rolling over (like a pro) tummy to back
**We are still working on back to belly
Being held and walked around
Her dumbo rattle
Bath time
Watching Mama get ready in the morning

Being left alone... anywhere
Loud noises
Any type of dirty type

We spent the Fourth of the July hanging in our neighborhood. We participated in the neighborhood parade, did side walk chalk and had a good run through the water hose. (Totally 90s summer holiday!) We bought a huge blow up water slide/pool combo and the kids have LOVED it! 

Summer is quickly wrapping up and though we are excited for the cooler weather we are going to miss all things water, sun and fun! 

Brady's 3rd Birthday

Happy 3rd birthday to our big boy! This year has been a really big growing season for Brady. He has weathered a big move and reno, transitioned to a full sized bed (from a crib), ditched his paci, welcomed a new sibling, is 96.5% potty trained, and has full conversations with just about everyone. 

When I take a step back and look at this really huge picture that is his world I quickly realize his handful of tantrums each week are somewhat warranted. Brady is loud and wild and fast, but he also has a tender heart for his baby sister and ALL animals. We have loved watching him grow this year and are so amazed by how smart he has become. 

Here are the year 3 stats:

Weight: 27 lbs, 12% percentile
Height: 36 inches exactly

Mama's Fav: His long eye lashes and dark brown eyes
Daddy's Fav: Brady's silly personality

All things truck, especially monster trucks
Hide and go seek
Monkey and Lamby

Loud noises

Happy 3rd Birthday bubba. The best is yet to come!

3 Months of Baby Blake

Still can't believe my little girl is THREE MONTHS old. Two is a definite game changer. If I thought Brady's first year went by fast then Blakely's first year is racing at lightening speed. This has definitely been my favorite month so far. She has quite the personality coming out. Some of our favorite milestones have been:

Sleeping a solid 10-12 hours at night
(**People keep asking how we did this so early, but I think we are all just TIRED people in this house.) 
Smiling & Laughing
I can literally look at her and she will start laughing and cooing back! 
Sitting in her bumbo for small periods of time
Blake can find her own paci and attempts to stick it in her mouth
We are starting to cut 1-2 teeth in the front. LOTS AND LOTS of drool

Bath Time
BIG BIG Hair Bows
(**Okay.... that is mama speaking.)
Being able to sit up
Looking in the mirror
Car rides
The Swimming Pool

Being awake between the hours of 5 pm and 7 pm
***We are true to the bewitching hours
Startling noises
Being left in one spot too long


We have been ultra busy this month and with Big Brother's birthday just around the corner we have lots of updates to share soon. It is going to be an exciting summer and we can't wait to share