With this new room we have had to do some furniture mix-ups. The office furniture will go into the piano room. The guest room furniture (what will soon be the nursery) will go into the old office, and TA-DA! a new nursery is born. WHEW! I am tired already and we haven't even done any physical labor. Our original plan was to transform the office into a nursery. However, there is far too much light that comes into that room; and as much as I love the sea green color that could work for either boy or girl it just wasn't practical for nap time.
The soon to be nursery is painted one of my all-time colors: navy blue or as Valspar refers to it, the writer's ink cup. I wasn't entirely keen on doing a navy nursery for a potential girl; yet, Brian said there was no chance in hell that he was painting all the way up to those vaulted ceilings again. Honestly, I can't say that I blame him. Here is a look at the guest room/nursery now:

Yes. All of that junk on the bed is for our baby. I know, right! How can someone who isn't even here yet have so much STUFF!!! I will eventually stuff organize it into the closet next to the window. Now as the saying goes "out with the old and in with the new!"
I have used two nurseries that I pretty much love as my inspiration. Both were found via Pinterest.

Click here for more photos and details of this nursery.
I absolutely love the clean, fresh look of this neutral nursery. I am a huge fan of mixing rustic pieces, like the wooden beam, with more contemporary pieces, like that gorgeous glider. There is a bit too much white for me, which is where I think those navy blue walls are going to come in handy. The gold and vintage accents are right up my alley. I am definitely going to be on a hunt for some unique pieces to throw around the room.
Click here for more photos and details of this nursery.

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