Gender: Boy
Weight gain: 20 pounds exactly and feeling every bit of it lately.
Maternity clothes: Oh yes!!! I am really struggling to find work clothes that are comfortable and fit. I did make a daring decision to go into Victoria Secret and browse their PINK section. Maybe it is just me, but I feel like everything is sized HUGE in there. I bought a couple of V-neck ts and the softest hoodie ever, all xs. They are so comfortable and fit over my belly great! I even plan to make a few of those pieces my "going home" outfit. Now the VS underwear on the other hand..... I"ll pass for the next few months.
Stretch marks: If you don't count all of the indents that my too tight clothes are making these days I think I am still in the clear for now.
Belly button in or out: Flat as a pancake.
Sleep: On and off. Most days I feel like I am back in the second trimester where I needed a two hour power nap on top of my regular 8 hours. Definitely taking advantage of the free time I have to do that for now.
Best moment this week: I completely missed last week's post. However the girls at work planned a shower for me and it was fantastic! They had some of the cutest onesies made for me. Not to mention our school nanny made the BEST cupcakes ever!!!! Brian and I received a ton of Amazon gift cards that will really come in handy for diapers and such in the future.
Worst moment this week: I believe my body has entered the "girl, slow it down" mode. I have had a Terrible cold and everything feels achy. I also feel my hips loosening and my hormones are all whacked out. This has been the roughest week of my pregnancy thus far. Hoping that once this cold passes I can start to feel 100% again. I know I am going to need that energy for work and oh, ya know, birthing a human and all.
Miss anything: Bladder control. Can I get an amen from all the mamas out there!?
Movement: Tons and I love it!
Cravings: For whatever reason corn dogs sound super appealing lately.
Queasy or sick: Just from the cold.
Looking forward to: Our sunroom is almost done!! This will room will be Brady's playroom once he gets older so I am super excited about! I planning on doing a before and after post once its complete!
Now for a very special Baby Brady update!!!!
Unfortunately, Brian has only been to the first ultrasound where he still looked like a gummy bear. I have been wanting to do something special for him and thought what better than a 3d ultrasound! We have both always kinda poked fun at people that get these and post all 400 pics on the facebook saying how baby looks like this grandparent or this second cousin. However, we were shocked to find that there was so much the tech was able to tell us and how much we were able to see from the pictures and video!
To be sensitive to those childless peeps I have only posted two pictures to spare you the boredom you may endure from my super cute kid!
Brady's stats:
Height: 20.3 inches long (I think he is going to be lanky like my sister.)
Weight: A whopping 6 pounds already.
Estimated Weight for delivery: Between 8.0 and 8.5 lbs.
Hair: He had a pretty good amount on the ultrasound. We were both surprised. However, we found out the hair gene comes from the maternal grandfather. This makes total sense because my dad has a ton of thick, dark hair.
Estimated due date: This blew my mind. The tech took a ton of measurement including height, weight, head and leg size, fluid amount, etc. and found out his ETA was June 14. She said the due dates they give were fairly accurate within 24 to 72 hours! I am looking forward to seeing if she is right.
Fun features: Brady's foot already measures at 3 inches long (no newborn socks for him). Also, Brian and I both agreed he has the Mcguinness (Brian's mom's side) nose. The profile picture below gives a much better look at it. The picture to the left left me worried. I asked the tech why his nose looked so flat. She laughed and said because he has no more room. Brady's nose is pressed up against my uterus. It is basically the equivalent of someone pressing their face up to a glass window. Absolutely precious.
Brady, Mama and Daddy had the best time watching you in action this past week. We can't wait to see you in action everyday! Love you so much precious little boy of ours!

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