25 and 26 Weeks

26 Weeks

I have definitely gotten behind the last few weeks, but I am rallying! Here is a recap on the last two weeks! 

How far along: 26, going on 27 weeks.
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: I had my last check up about a week and a half ago. My total weight gain was 8 pounds. I am guessing it went up another 1/2 to 1 pound since then. I am weighing in at 127ish. I am planning to start my Tracy Anderson preggo workout again this week as well.
Maternity clothes: Mostly the belly band. However, I am on the hunt for some long baseball t's and maxi dresses for the spring. My goal is to buy more versatile pieces that I can use to bridge the gap between pregnancy and the "fourth" trimester.
Stretch marks: Nope.
Belly button in or out: Still in
Sleep: I have slept great until the last two nights. I am not sure if was due to a different mattress or my growing belly, but I really struggled to get into a deep sleep. I found myself waking up a lot to rearrange pillows and switch to my other side because my hips hurt.
Best moment this week: Brady's room is pretty close to being done. I love sitting in there and just looking at all of his small things. I am putting together some pictures for a 'sneak peek' post this week. One of my biggest joys has been bringing his room to life!
Worst moment this week: My stomach is growing and I feel it 100%. I have felt most of ligaments and muscles in my abdomen stretching and pulling to accommodate this growing baby. Man, oh man, is it uncomfortable.
Miss anything: Sleeping however I want.
Movement: Tons! Most of it is really exciting. I have had a few jabs that making wanna yelp, but so thankful to know he is active.
Cravings: YES! With all of this warm weather I am dying for a cucumber martini or a strawberry mojito.
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: As I type this my best friend is in labor with her baby boy (a.ka. Brady's first bestie)! I cannot wait to meet him and hear all about her birth experience.


  1. I'm sooo excited for you guys!!!! I need to go visit Charlotte/South Carolina I guess. Haha. Miss you!
