We are kicking off our holidays with a little 75 degree weather in the tropical state of South Carolina. So much for cute Christmas sweaters and fleece tights. Despite the sweat we kicked off our holiday with a little fancy smancy Christmas party at my Aunt's house. (Can you say "DREAM KITCHEN!") The food was amazing as always and everyone was dressed to impress. And of course the cousins had coordinating outfits!

Brian had to work again this holiday so little man was my dapper date for the evening. Don't be fooled though after a few pictures he made his way into sweats and a t-shirt. Even this high maintenance mama knows her boundaries. We played a few present games and I landed a beautiful globe that is perfect for my office. However, the best gift was my uncle being home from Egypt. My aunt and I both know what it's like to have our guys working so hard. So I was ecstatic to know that he was home with her for the holidays.

The last few pictures were naturally taken after the last of the wine had been finished off. I was in love with Kelly's graphic Christmas sweater. What a night! Tomorrow Brady and I are headed home to celebrate with Brian. We can't wait to watch Nugs open his presents and celebrate with our little family of three.

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