This week was the very first (of many, we hope) Anderson beach vacation. We chose the Outer Banks as our destination. Brian's family is kinda all over the map so this was a great meeting point for everyone. As many of you know it is so difficult to coordinate holidays once siblings are married and babies are born. Therefore, we decided by vacationing together once a year everyone can be together without the holiday madness.
Brady did so great on the drive. It was his farthest trip yet at 6.5 hours. He took it like a pro! We are so thankful he is such a laid back baby. We are a pretty fast pace family so he has had to learn to hang early on.
The first few days were a bit overcast. We made the most of our in-door time by hanging out with the kiddos, cooking/baking, and catching up with the whole family. By mid week the weather had drastically improved and we spent the entirety of our days on the beach. Brady took all of his naps outside in our beach tent. This vacation was just our speed as we bummed it pretty much the rest of the week on the beach.

One of my favorite parts of this vacation was watching Brady interact with his cousins. Riley was such a baby-pro. She fed him his bottles, helped me give him a bath, and sang to him to when he got fussy. It was such a fun experience watching her love on him.

Reality is back in full swing as we have arrived home. Lots of big events are coming up in the next few weeks including Brady's baby dedication, our anniversary, Brian's parents cross-country move, and I am returning to work. This week reminded us how important family time is in the midst of this crazy life. Without family we don't truly know who we are.
We are hoping to make this trip an annual event from here on out. So until next OBX... we will drink margaritas in your memory!
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