Two months! Eight weeks! Fifty-six.... okay you get the picture! This guy is growing. As much as I want him to stay a little one, I am finding great joy in watching him hit milestones. He becomes more alert each day. Boy, does he have a personality. For example, he is so smiley a majority of the time. However, if you don't change the scenery every so often Brady will go from a 0 to a 10 in 2.5 seconds. It isn't that he needs something, he has just watched everything in that particular area and he wants something new to study.
This is something that had a mama told me prior to me having children I would have thought she was a bit nutsy. I have come realize it doesn't matter how little your babies are they have quirks and wants just like the rest of us. So I move him. It usually goes like this: Tummy time on the mat, change him to his back, put him in the swing, lay him on the floor with the pups. By the time we have hit all his favorite spots he is ready to nap. And so am I.
On to this month's stats and favorites....
Weight: 11 lbs 7 oz 50th percentile
Height: 23 inches: 50th percentile
Loud noises
Getting his picture taken.... still working on it
nap time
(I am pretty sure he thinks he is going to miss something)
being naked
We went for the first time this morning and the nursery volunteers said he did great!
Hiking with dad and the pups
bath time
tummy time
Milestones for Month 2
Brady rolled from stomach to back 3 times this month!
Brady has started to snicker and smile at funny faces.

1.) First Years Breast Wipes: I had my first few not so dry runs with pumping at work. I went in for a few of the work days and it was a great experience to see how this whole pump at work thing was going to go. Surprisingly I got more done with my lights off and my door locked than normal.... imagine that. Anyways, I quickly made the realization that I can't just throw the pump parts in the sink like I do at home. I am pretty sure my kids and their parents wouldn't appreciate seeing all that mess. So even though these wipes are technically supposed to be for your breasts, they work great as a quick clean for all of the pump parts. Plus they smell clean and fresh, yes! You can find these at target or any pharmacy.
2.) Burp Clothes: I love the Trend Lab brand. One side is a nice, soft side that is great for wiping and drying. Whereas, the other side has a thicker grip that doesn't slide off your shoulder and is easy to hold on to. They offer a ton of fun patterns and colors as well.
3.) Gap Terry Striped Pants: I absolutely love a handsome outfit on baby boy just as much as the next person; however, Brady sometimes looks so much more comfortable and happy in sweats. (Just like his daddy.) Gap has the softest, most durable ones. I was given a pair by a friend and ended up going back and buying two more pairs.
4.) Whale Blanket: This is THE blanket. Brady loves this thing and I already can see him dragging this around the house as he becomes older. My friend, Morgan, specially picked this out for him and he sleeps with it at every nap and bedtime. With it's super soft material it is the perfect addition to our nighttime routine.
5.) Llama Llama Series: This is another awesome addition to our bedtime ritual. I am not sure if Brady likes them, but Brian and I sure do. Great book series for sure. These books have inspired the newest catch phrase in our house, "Stop all that llama drama!".
6.) Butt Paste: We haven't had any issues with diaper rash... yet. However, I do put a small amount of cream on little man as a 'just in case' precaution. This stuff doesn't have a smell and spreads easily. Plus it dries nice and fast.
7.) MEJs: I am obsessed with these things. Having an infant is a game changer when it comes to hair. Anytime I feed or cuddle him my hair needs to be up. (I definitely almost choked him one time because he was trying to eat mine.) I have extremely fine hair so anytime I wear it up I have that hideous crease in a matter of minutes. The MEJs are made of a special material that keep your hair from creasing. Plus they loosen or tighten by pulling the ends at the knotted portion. But, of course, my favorite thing about these hair ties are all of the fun patterns and colors. My favorite place to buy from is Charming Charlie's or The Loft.
Well, I am still on maternity leave until October. So, Brady and I want to wish all of the awesome teachers and support staff at Carr Elementary a happy first day back tomorrow! I am sure going to miss ushering in my new babies for the school year, but I am so fortunate for 8 more weeks with this little love. See you all soon!
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