38 & 39 Weeks

38 weeks and 5 days

I had originally planned on making two separate posts for each week; however, by the time we clicked a 38 week photo I was so close to hitting 39 weeks. Plus at this point in the pregnancy all the days are starting to run together. I swear I have been pregnant for at least 3 years! Ha! 

How far along: 39 weeks tomorrow.
Gender: Baby Boy! Brady is right at 7.5 lbs and 21 inches!
Weight gain: 25 pounds as of Monday. My goal was to stay under 25, but as is life. I have heard that you begin to loose a little here and there right before labor so we will see what happens at this week's check up.
Maternity clothes: If you consider Brian's t-shirts and boxers maternity clothes then yes. I have my same shirts and borrowed pants for the last few days of work. However, anything fitted just seems so uncomfortable. You can see from this week's picture I am over the whole "I am a super cute preggo" idea.
Stretch marks: None still. I am upping the Palmer's body butter from 2x a day to 3-4x a day. Plus, I am making myself drink a TON of water. It is worth it to go to the bathroom 16 times a day if my skin stays in tact.
Belly button in or out: Completely flat. I don't think it will make its way completely out.
Sleep: In between potty breaks it's decent. Work is exhausting as we wrap of the school year. I think staying active and mobile at work has aided in me sleeping harder at night.
Best moment this week: Last week my favorite aunt came in for a visit. We had such a good time! We spend Saturday at Ikea and then spent the evening eating take-out and catching up. I am so glad I was able to spend that one-on-one time with her before the craziness happens. We kicked off this weekend with a night out. Brian has had a few days off so we headed to Belmont with a bunch of my friends last night. We had dinner at a great local restaurant and then grabbed a few beers (I double fisted it with water and cupcakes), and danced to some local bands that played in the center of town. It was such a fun night!
Worst moment this week: WAITING ON BRADY!!!!! It is so hard not knowing when he is going to come. I am such a planner and not being able to circle a date on the calendar has me on pins and needles.
Miss anything: Just keeping up with everyone else. I sometimes feel like I am slow motion. Everyone is moving so fast around me and I am over here all like "where is the automated wheelchairs and expectant mother parking?"
Movement: Lots and lots
Cravings: Water, water, water. I am not sure if it's the heat or my body craving what it needs, but I am thirsty for water all the time.
Queasy or sick: Nope. Thankfully I have kicked the nasty cough I had the past few weeks.
Looking forward to: The last day of school and kicking off what is going to be one of the best summers ever!

Labor Update:

As of my last appointment I was 2 cm dilated! YAY! I know that many women stay that way for weeks and it isn't consider active labor. Yet, it makes me feel like things are happening and that is definitely a step in the right direction. Brady is head down and in position to go. However, I haven't effaced at all (despite all the primrose oil). My doctor said there was no need to scrape my membranes at this point as originally planned. (Scraping membranes... ewwww.)

After last night's outing Brian and I got home around 11 pm and I grabbed a quick bath to help my one swollen foot. (Yep, just the right one. So weird.) Once I got into bed the contractions started. They weren't anything horrible just heavy cramping and tightening, but they were definitely regular. I timed them for over an hour. I really thought this could be it. Yet, just like the last time after about an hour they spaced out more and then eventually stopped all together. 

As frustrating as it may be and as ready as I am to get this show on the road I know that I need to enjoy every last minute with Brian and myself. I need to enjoy being pregnant and I need to be thankful for the wonderful pregnancy I have been able to experience. God has been so good and I must constantly remind myself to count my blessings. Cheers to the weekend and to hopefully meeting our beautiful son soon!

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