40 Weeks

40 Weeks: Fully baked and ready to bust

How far along: Officially full term at 40 weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: 26 lbs. It may be a tad more once I go to my next apt. I am hoping Brady decides to make an appearance and I can change this section to weight loss!
Maternity clothes: Ummmmm.... duh. At this point I wish I would have bought more maternity. I survived most of the pregnancy with stretchy t's and Brian's clothes. As you can tell, though, from the stretching seam in my picture (Yikes, sorry shirt!) I am barely making it out with comfortable clothes.
Stretch marks: NOPE! I have heard that they start to appear once baby is born so I am definitely going to keep an eye on that.
Belly button in or out: Flat.
Sleep: I have actually been sleeping awesome lately! The last few nights have been total bliss and I feel super rested when I wake up.
Best moment this week: Father's Day was so special. Even though Brady isn't here yet we had the privilege of celebrating Brian's first Father's day with both of our very own dads.
Worst moment this week: This was by far the week of pregnancy hell for me. See my labor update below.
Miss anything: Breezy weather. I kinda feel like I am walking into a microwave everytime I step outside, but that could be the pregnancy talking.
Movement: Yes, especially in the afternoons/evenings.
Cravings: Nothing in particular. I have been eating lots of sandwiches, salads, and fruits. Trying to keep things light and healthy.
Queasy or sick: Not queasy, but definitely not 100% this past week.
Looking forward to: I know I will regret this, but labor! I am so ready for the real deal and to meet Brady.

Labor Update
As of the last two weeks I have been 2 cm dilated, but very little effacement. I started to clean out my classroom the last week of school and began to feel a lot of pressure. I attributed it to normal pregnancy pain and figured it was just baby boy getting into position. As each day came there was a bit more pain associated with the pressure. Again, I assumed it was normal. I have had such a "textbook" pregnancy and couldn't have asked for an easier 9 months!

Thursday I went to the doctor with the assumption that I was going to blissfully be told I was 10 cm and fully effaced and would simply sneeze the baby out. HA! Right! The doctor informed me that pelvis was fully inflamed and that according to my lab results I was suffering a UTI and bladder infection. WHAT?! What I was feeling was most definitely not normal. Long story short (I will spare you all the gory details) I was given antibiotics that ultimately lead to another infection that was just as uncomfortable. After crying on the phone to my mom, she and my dad (like saints) drove down and stayed with me for the weekend while Brian worked.Once they had to go back on Sunday afternoon my college roommate/bestie drove down and stayed Sunday and Monday night with me!  I seriously don't know what I would have done without all of these amazing people taking care of me.

As of Monday I have finally felt back to my normal preggo self. According to the doctor due to all the swelling the dilation/ thinning process may have been slowed. We will be discussing induction options at Thursday's appointment. We are somewhat hesitant to schedule an induction, but we are willing to listen to the options and make an informed decision. Brian and I know in the end God will have His hand on this delivery no matter how Brady comes. I appreciate all of the calls and texts from friends and family. We are so blessed by you all.

1 comment

  1. We are glad to hear the infection has passed. Tons of prayers coming from the McGuinness clan. With Love, Uncle Steven
