30 Weeks
How far along: 30 weeks! Yay for being in the 30's.
Gender: Bouncing Baby Boy
Weight gain: Went to the doctor today and weighed in at 135. That is a total gain of 16 pounds. My personal goal is to stay under 25 pounds total. Not sure if that is realistic or not...
Maternity clothes: YES! A huge thank you to my sweet friend co-worker, Abbie, who gave me a ton of maternity pants. Included were those super cute skinnies I am wearing in this week's pictures.
Stretch marks: Nope. Religiously slapping on the Palmer's 1-2x a day.
Belly button in or out: Still in, but it is definitely starting to become much more shallow by the day.
Sleep: This has been the toughest part of this pregnancy recently. (Which I guess means I have very little to fuss about.) As my uterus grows the more uncomfortable certain positions become. Sleeping on my sides are out of the question because its puts more pressure on my ribs. However, sleeping on my back has never been natural. Sooooooo.... I normally dose in and out of consciousness until my 2:00 am and 5:00 am potty breaks. : )
Best moment this week: Definitely my second baby shower. I had a co-shower with my friend, Jada. She is having a little boy, Samuel, who is due about the same time Brady is! We had the best time spending time with our girlfriends and sipping on margaritas (virgin, of course).
Worst moment this week: I have been struggling with comfort the last week and a half. I feel great at work while I am standing up and teaching (thank you, Jesus!). It is when I get in the car or want to relax at the end of a long work day that everything seems to hurt. I am working on wearing more comfortable clothes and stretching out during the day. Hopefully these will be easy little fixes.
Miss anything: After having a couple super tasty virgin margaritas at the shower I was hit with the overwhelming desire to gulp down a 'real' margarita. Can't wait for beach weather and a cold pitcher of lime goodness.
Movement: Tons and tons.
Cravings: Margaritas and such
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: The fifth grade has a million exciting events coming up. This week they will be going on an overnight trip to Charleston. Next week is a Carowinds field trip and field day and then we are straight into Spring Break and Easter!
Now for a recap of Baby Shower #2.
A HUGE thank you to our friend, Brittany. She is a new mommy and was gracious enough to open up her home to host. There were so many awesome appetizers, along with an amazing lemon grilled chicken. But, as always, my favorite was dessert and drinks. I loved the peanut butter cupcakes and lemon-lime margaritas.

This shower was so fun because it allowed our small group of girlfriends from church to spend some much needed time together. Everyone was able to make it and Jada and I were thrilled to celebrate these two special boys.
I am pretty sure I started crying while reading this card. Hormones hit me out of nowhere!
I absolutely loved the framed tux/suit creation from our friend Elizabeth. She always gives her personal art as part of her gift to friends. So, needless to say, I couldn't wait to see what she did for us. LOVE! I have already rearranged Brady's collage wall to make it fit. Keep an eye out for it during the final nursery reveal!
Again, thank you to all the girls for joining us at the shower and for playing such an important role in my support system as a future mom, wife, and friend. Each of you bring something different to the table and I could imagine our small group being as wonderful as it is without all of you.
And as always one last BIG thank you to Ms. Kris of Kristin Dustman Photography. Definitely check out some of her other work as she updates her facebook page.
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