31 Weeks

31 Weeks 
(Sorry for such an awful picture. We were super rushed for church this morning!)

How far along: 31 Weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: Still at 135, but now that I am having biweekly checkups I will be able to update more frequently.
Maternity clothes: Oh yea!
Stretch marks: Nope. Fingers still crossed...
Belly button in or out: In, but shallow
Sleep: Some nights are better than others. I have started to use my body pillow more often and that helps with comfort. However, the leg cramps are back with a vengeance. I am really increasing the water intake and praying hard that they subside and quick.
Best moment this week: This week we took the entire fifth grade to Charleston. As tired as I was, it was a true privilege to experience so many "firsts" with my kiddos. Many of my students have never been on a big out of town trip. Watching their faces as they got to see and experience new things made all of the walking and exhaustion completely worth it. I felt as if I was getting a sneak peak of how magical it is going to be watching Brady hit milestones and grow.
Worst moment this week: Brian and I are in the process of claiming the dry rotted wall through our insurance company. Because we have chosen this route we may be at the mercy of their timeline versus ours. We are praying that the work is completed quickly and smoothly so that we aren't brining a newborn into a demo zone. Hopefully, we will have an answer by this week!
Miss anything: To sum it up: alcohol, sleep, my bikini (Word to the wise: Do NOT try on your pre-preggo bathing suit while 30 weeks pregnant and hormonal. It ain't pretty), and keeping up with all the non pregnant people out there.
Movement: Tons! The last two days have been different though. I am pretty sure little man is floating down under. I have felt a lot more pressure in my lower abdomen. I won't complain though because the relief my ribs are getting right now is AH-MAZING!
Cravings: Still anything fresh and fruity. Mama is LOVING avocados. Sadly, the store was fresh out this week. Bummer.
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: This upcoming weekend is my Charleston baby shower. I am so excited because it will be only close friends and family from home. I can't wait to spend time with those that are closest to me. This is including my best friend's, Martha, precious little boy. He is only a few weeks old and I have been dying to meet him! Also, SPRING BREAK! I have a massive to-do list, but Brian and I are making time for a few relaxing moments on the lake and at the pool! Such fun memories to make.


  1. Will you be coming down tp charleston again before he arrives?

  2. I will but only for this Saturday. We prob. won't be back down until the fall.
    : (
