32 Weeks and Charleston Shower

32 Weeks
Can we take a second to agree that my baby daddy is so fine!!!!!!! 

How far along: 32 Weeks today!
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: I jumped on the scale at my parents' house and it weighed in right at 136 (same as last week). I'll be able to have a more definite number at my appointment in a few days.
Maternity clothes: Yep! I have been wearing a lot of Old Navy and Gap's maternity tee's. They are super comfortable and you can dress them up or down. The dress from my shower is not maternity however. It was purchased at TJ Maxx.
Stretch marks: Nope! My mom thought she saw one the other day, but I quickly informed her that it was an indention from my leggings. (I may be slightly in denial if I happen to have a few at the end of this venture.)
Belly button in or out: Still in, but I am quickly becoming familiar with what the inside of a belly button looks like. Shouldn't be a few more weeks until I have the whole view!
Sleep: Really well the last few days. I have pulled out the body pillow and that has really helped.
Best moment this week: My baby shower in Charleston was absolutely beautiful. My mom and sister did a fantastic job putting it all together. It was so nice to have my closest family and friends there to celebrate. Plus we scored some awesome shower gifts that I am so excited to use when Brady makes his debut.
Worst moment this week: We are still working in the sunroom/playroom. Hopefully we will have most of the work done by the end of the week. (...and by "we" I mean Brian.)
Miss anything: Nothing comes to mind other than usuals.
Movement: A ton! The coolest moment of the week was being in our church's Easter service tonight. As we were singing Brady went crazy. It was like he was praising God with us! I'll admit it; I definitely had a hormonal mom moment and teared up.
Cravings: Same old, same old.
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: SPRING BREAK!

Now for a recap of our shower in Charleston:

 My mom and sister decided on a nautical theme.  It was even more beautiful in person! I wish I would have snapped a few more pictures (and better quality at that), but as always I was caught up in the moment of it all.

 Mema and Mom 

Aunt Wanda 
Only the best Aunt ever! She has taught me everything I know about being an awesome Aunt! 

Kelly, my hilariously fun sister
I can only imagine what kinda trouble her and Brady will get into.

My sister planned some really fun games that included a candy bar matching game and guess how many M&M's are in the bottle. Excitedly, I won that game! I am pretty sure I have eaten 400 of the 440 that were in there! We also played the measure that mama's belly size game. Not a fan. However, no one cut their yarn too, too big so I was able to avoid a hormonal break down. 

One of the other exciting moments of the shower was meeting this guy.

My best friend, Martha, brought her 5 week old baby boy to meet his Aunt Randi!

Kane is one of the best babies! He was so chill and had such a sweet disposition the whole shower. I kept telling Brady to take notes. Also, I think we can all agree that Martha looks AMAZING for having a 9 lb. baby only 5 weeks ago!

A few of the other guests included my sister-in-law, Martha's mom, Marcia, and a few close family friends! Also, a big thank you to Brian's mom and sisters who couldn't make it, but were still super sweet to have Brady in their thoughts by sending some really fun gifts. 

We have received some really awesome items that I can't wait to use. Keep an eye out for some of our favs later this week. 

Thank you again to everyone who attended and "showered" us with love! Brian and I couldn't be more thankful for your graciousness and involvement as we prepare for Brady's arrival. 

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