How Far Along? Right at 38 weeks in this picture.
Size of Baby: 6-7 lbs.
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Weight Gain: At this week's apt 142. This was right on rack with where I was with Brady.
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing one pair of jeans pretty much everyday. The weather has been so warm the last few weeks so I have resorted to all of my maternity clothes that I wore with Brady. ANDDDDD.... of course my favs are anything that is Brian's lounge wear.
Nursery: Officially done! Just got my monogramed crib sheet in and finished organizing the closet. We couldn't be more excited to bring her home to it.
Movement: TONS and tons of movement.
Symptoms: I am having lots of joint loosening. This has been a totally new experience for me. I never had this with Brady and it is pretty uncomfortable.
Sleep: Nope. It's not happening.
Cravings: Water and ice and more ice.
What I Miss: I know this sounds awful, but I really do miss my pre-pregnancy body. I am totally relating to April the Giraffe these days. Large and not so much in charge.
Best Moment This Week: I have accomplished a ton of my "to-do" items before baby girl arrives. My dad and I were abel to tackle the garage and get it cleaned out and organized. I also took all of our carseats apart and thoroughly cleaned and sanitized them. My car has been cleaned and the pantry is finally organized.
Looking forward to: Meeting baby girl in JUST A FEW WEEKS! I really can't wait to meet my new best friend!
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