We are officially out of the baby, baby stage. Brady has truly begun to form his personality and I feel that we are having some real fun now! We are trying new things like sitting up for longer periods of time and even eating solids.
I see so much of his daddy in him. He can be a little slow and careful when taking on a task; however, he is sure to analyze everything while taking in all of his surroundings. Brady is definitely going to be a learner. Now that I am back at work I find that I am intentionally paying attention to all of his little moves and quirks, as I am not with him all day.
He has found his voice and shrieks when Brian and I talk. It is like he is saying, "HEY! I am here and I wanna be a part of the conversation!". He has also discovered his feet and hands. I laugh when I see him realize his hands are his. His eyes get really big and intense. He will stare for a minute and then the biggest smile will spread across his face! It is one of my favorite things.
So many milestones have been hit and growing has been done this past month. It is truly our joy, as parents, to watch Brady flourish.
Length: 27.5 inches (90th Percentile)
Weight: 13 lb. 9 oz. (15th Percentile)
Perfectly shaped head (words from the dr.'s mouth)
Sleeping: 10-12 Hours each night
Eating: Still eating like a champ
(We will see if that changes once more solids are introduced.)
Wubbanub.... still
Using his voice to interact
Being tickled
Bath time
Being in any wrap or chest carrier
Cuddling with mama
Tummy Time
Any rattle toys
Being in one scene too long
Wearing a dirty diaper for more than a minute
The swing
Photo Shoots by mama
Loud noises from the pups or tv

1. Medela Bottles These are great quality and I love that they come with the small yellow caps for milk storage in the refrigerator.
2. Hanging Car Seat Toy Brady has definitely become more alert while in the car. He recently started to fuss because of the lack of scenery (I think?). I found one very similiar to this toy in his play basket and decided to give it a go. It was a huge hit and he loves trying to touch it with his hands and feet.
3. H&M Sweatshirt I LOVE these sweaters. They are so soft and can be dressed up or down without sacrificing baby's comfort. They are also gender neutral enough that you could throw on a cute headband and some glittery boots on baby girl and make it work.
4. K'TAN Carrier This is another item from our registry favs. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to channel my inner hippie to get used to a cloth carrier, but oh, how I love this thing. In the early days Brady was able to cuddle and sleep in the kangaroo position. I think he felt like he was in the womb again. Plus it gave me both hands to do what I needed to do around the house. Since then he has changed to the front facing position and loves it. This carrier is breathable and also pretty affordable for all of the carrying options it offers as baby grows.
5. My big animal book This has become one of Brady's favorite books. It is HUGE and there are so many bright and fun pictures. The pages are nice and thick so he can "help" turn the pages.
6. Bottle Koozie I know, I know. My kid does not need a bottle koozie! We received his first one as a gift and I thought how fun. Now I am seeing the practical side of this. As he transitions into childcare it is important to keep up with which bottles are his. These are a cute and fun way to personalize bottles as he starts to mingle with other kiddos. Not to mention how cool do babes look with koozies!?
7. Baby Lips Moisturizer My skin and lips can easily get chapped and for whatever reason having a baby heightened that. Baby Lips smell so good and are the perfect combo of moisturizer and lip color. There are tons of colors to choose from and you can find them at virtually any big store retailer or drugstore.
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