Beautiful Chaos

I have been looking forward to this week for a while. Five full days off work and five full days with my baby boy! We are heading to Charleston for Thanksgiving and I couldn't wait for time with friends, family and more importantly food! The plan was to clean and pack up while Brian worked half a day. I was going to have a few cuddle sessions with Brady and pick up the house because I hate coming home to a dirty house after being out of town. Before hitting the road we were going to visit with some of our good friends from Houston. Today was going to be perfect! Oh, but today, my friends, has been far from perfect. 

My dear sweet Brady, who sleeps 10-12 hours a night mind you, has been awake since the crack of dawn. From the moment his little body came out of the crib he hasn't been happy. Nothing appealed to him. He simultaneously wanted to suck on the paci while throwing it across the room. All of his favorite spots became  tantrum locales. And he tried to "hulk smash" himself out of the K'tan wrap.  I finally decided that cleaning the house would just have to wait. The pic below is my morning in a snapshot. 

Finally, during a much needed nap for Brady, I was able to start laundry, grab a cup of coffee and mop the kitchen. The bags got packed and it seemed that things were finally moving in the right direction. Brady was quietly playing in his crib after his nap. I went upstairs to change his diaper and here was where the second showing of the Anderson Circus debuted. 

Not even five minutes after getting Brady cleaned up I came downstairs to a monstrosity. The dogs had decided to eat an entire cookie cake that we were going to share with our friends. So much for a freshly mopped floor! This is when I kicked the pan and knife and yelled at them to "just stay down there!" They much obliged. 

At this point in the day I was so done. I decided against nursing Brady. Call me lazy or a bad mom, but I just didn't feel like it. So I popped a drop-in into his formula bottle and went to shake it up. However, I discovered it had a hole in the bottom.  Not sure if it was my angry shaking or karma but it went EVERYWHERE. Brady was the only one that found it funny. 

Today was a day that made me want to pull my hair out. Thankfully the postpartum hair loss is already taking care of that for me. We are now on the road to Charleston with our entire entourage, dogs included. It is days like today that make me question how the hell we got here. But tomorrow when I am laughing at my dad's jokes, eating mom's mac n cheese, and loving on those close to me, I'll be so glad this is my beautiful chaos. 

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