Happy 3rd birthday to our big boy! This year has been a really big growing season for Brady. He has weathered a big move and reno, transitioned to a full sized bed (from a crib), ditched his paci, welcomed a new sibling, is 96.5% potty trained, and has full conversations with just about everyone.
When I take a step back and look at this really huge picture that is his world I quickly realize his handful of tantrums each week are somewhat warranted. Brady is loud and wild and fast, but he also has a tender heart for his baby sister and ALL animals. We have loved watching him grow this year and are so amazed by how smart he has become.
Here are the year 3 stats:
Weight: 27 lbs, 12% percentile
Height: 36 inches exactly
Mama's Fav: His long eye lashes and dark brown eyes
Daddy's Fav: Brady's silly personality
All things truck, especially monster trucks
Hide and go seek
Monkey and Lamby
Loud noises
Happy 3rd Birthday bubba. The best is yet to come!

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