Red, white and blue and everything cute! Blakely turned four months on July 6th! I feel like she is officially out of the infant/new born stage. It has such a different experience from one kid to the next, but I am quickly learning parenting is all about being "on your toes".

4 Month Updates
Weight: Around 12 lbs
Length: Not sure. We didn't have a wellness visit this month.
rolling over (like a pro) tummy to back
**We are still working on back to belly
Being held and walked around
Her dumbo rattle
Bath time
Watching Mama get ready in the morning
Being left alone... anywhere
Loud noises
Any type of dirty type
We spent the Fourth of the July hanging in our neighborhood. We participated in the neighborhood parade, did side walk chalk and had a good run through the water hose. (Totally 90s summer holiday!) We bought a huge blow up water slide/pool combo and the kids have LOVED it!
Summer is quickly wrapping up and though we are excited for the cooler weather we are going to miss all things water, sun and fun!

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