Blakely Elise when did you get so big? I swear I am only going to ask her and Brady this question everyday for the rest of their lives. BUT seriously, when did her due date come and go so darn quickly!?
I always mourn those last few weeks of pregnancy after they are gone. Yes, I hate the discomfort and the exhaustion and the peeing 230, 583 at night, BUT there isn't anything quite like the anticipation of meeting your sweet baby except, well, actually meeting her.
This month has flown by and that means we only have two weeks left with Brian at home. It has been some of the best weeks getting to spend so much family time together. Having him home has allowed me to bond with Blakely so well. I can already tell this girl and I are going to way too much alike. She looks like me. Even at a month she is so alert and relaxed, but she HAS to have someone in her line of sight at all times (social butterfly just like mama.) I guess that means if I get frustrated with her as she becomes older I have no one to blame but myself.

Weight: 8 lb 6 oz
Length: 21 inches
Bath time
Watching Brady run amok
Her pink seahorse that sings
Car Rides
Being alone
Being swaddled
Any type of movement from one spot to another
New Milestones
Blakely is so alert these days. She loves people watching and responds to Mama and Daddy's voice. She is also very patient with Brady even when he tries to pick her up or squish her! Our favorite milestone this month is her precious smile. She has only given us a few big ones, but we can wait to hear her laugh as she smiles more often. Mama and Daddy are also so excited that she is sleeping 6-8 hour stretches on the reg now. Way to go girlfriend!
And if you are only here for the pictures...

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