HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Welcome to our home where chocolate is served for breakfast and candy mustaches are a must. And by the way when the title says "18 months" what that really means is my kid is almost 20 months and I forgot to post an update. Not to mention putting 20 months just sounds so, so weird old.
That's right Brady Walker has made it through a whole year and then some! We can't believe how much this kid has soaked in the last few months. It seems like every day he says a new word (or something that sounds like a word.) Also, his walking has seriously improved with the help of his leg braces. He is even wearing them in these pictures and I bet you couldn't even tell! ; )

Here are the latest stats:
Height: 31 Inches
Weight: 22 lbs
*We bumped up from 2nd percentile to 5th percentile on both of these!
Trucks, cars, buses planes
Bath time or the dogs bowls depending on which one he can reach first
The stairs
Car rides
Being outside
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
Diaper Changes
(I am pretty the neighbors think we are beating him the way he screams.)
Anything touching his head or face
When Mama or Daddy leaves the room
Having to come inside after playing
We have had so much fun watching Brady develop this incredible personality over the last few months. He is deciding what he likes and does like; as well as what he has to put up with for the betterment of our family. Brian and I have really learned to adapt over the past 2 months as he has become mobile and curious. Long gone are the days of tummy time and relaxing dinners while Brady sits in the swing. Dinner is a full on circus and play time has a whole new meaning now that we have a TODDLER!

Valentine's has been extra sweet. Brian and I were able to get a night away from home while Brady had a sleepover with Pop-pop and Nana. However, we were excited to get back and love on our little valentine. We are keeping Sunday super laid back since we celebrated earlier this weekend. Brady is catching some z's while Brian and I work on a few small house projects. I am excited to share them in a few weeks as we clean up and out for Spring. This cold weather has me begging for the new season.
Before signing off I just had to share a cute flashback of Brady on Valentine's Day last year. This is one of the reasons I love having this blog. Going back and looking at this look munchkin makes me fall in love all over again! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

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