6 Month Update and Favorite

Six months is here! I am absolutely loving this stage. The baby babies are so cute and cuddly, but that stage is a lot of self-sacrifce on mom's part. However, with the 5+ months I feel like Brady is really giving back to us. He tries so hard to copy everything we do. My favorite is when we make a monster sound at him he will growl back at us. (I am pretty sure he got that from our boxer, Molly.) 

He had his 6 month well visit yesterday. Here are the 6 month stats:

Weight: 14 lbs 5 oz
Length: 26 inches.
 This came out an inch less than his 4 month? Um is my kid shrinking. 
The doctor said he prob. was just scrunching his head to the side.  
Head: 42.5 cm

All solids to date: Brady is eating pears, apples, squash, and sweet potatoes. 
Sea horse (*See favorite board) He has traded in his wubba-nub for a seahorse.
Being held up so he can see everything at our level
Analyzing everything
Bath time
Opening presents
Watching the pups play
Car rides

Not a fan of:
Loud noises
Having his nose suctioned out (but who really would)
Haircuts, apparently
Not getting his bottle fast enough

This child has long been over due for a haircut. He could have really used one at 4 months, but we held off because he just seemed so little. However, after seeing his Christmas pictures I decided the pet detective style just had. to. go. He was a little apprehensive at first, but I think the end result was totally worth the trauma we subjected him to. 

I combined this month's and last month's favorites. We seem to be using the same few items lately. We are loving making Brady's baby food. It is so easy and cost effective. The food storage system above has been fantastic for portioning and freezing meals. They are microwave safe as well. Also, one of our favorite item from our registry is the Britax stroller organizer. It attaches to the back of the stroller and doubles as storage system and cup holders. It is super easy to rinse out after a day at the park or beach. 

As we ring in 2015 I have begun to reflect on where we were and where we may go. Brady has some exciting adventures coming up and so many firsts to welcome in. We can't wait to see all of the grand things that enter into or lives over the next 365 days! 

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