I won't even say how fast this month has gone. Because woah, when did I go from pregnant to a mom of two? That kinda just happened. Blakely has been the absolute best this month. She just had her big two month check-up and even our doctor couldn't get over how much she had grown. Blake has hit some of my favorite milestones like smiling and reacting to our eye contact. She has even started "talking back" as we interact with her.
2 Month Stats:
Weight: 11 lbs 9 oz.
Height: 22 inches
She went from the 15% to the 50% in just 4 weeks! I know that might not seem like that big of a deal, but when you spent 12 months in physical therapy and monthly visits to a neurologist because your first child fell off the chart at 3 months, this is HUGE. Like literally huge! Hearing our doctor rave over how healthy she was made me tear up as I left the office. Okay... ok so maybe I am still a little postpartum hormonal, but whatevs.
Skin to skin
Light-up seahorse
Lots of milk
Watching activity around her
Being alone other than to sleep
Being in one place too long

I can already tell Blakely is going to have quite the personality as she matures. She already has so many traits that remind me of myself. She loves interacting with others and is constantly alert and aware of what's happening around her. I can't wait to watch this little social butterfly bloom!
We love you baby bae!
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