Ugh. Behind again. But what could be better than a seven month update, but a SEVEN & EIGHT month update! That's right. This girl has been with us just as long about as long as I was pregnant with her! SO crazy!
We haven't had a wellness visit the last few months, but we are guessing Blakely is around 16 lbs now that it is the end of November. As for Blakely's firsts in month seven:
First Halloween and First Thanksgiving
First tooth plus one (2 teeth have popped up on the bottom front)
First airplane ride
Watching Brady
Being outside
Her Bunny lovey
Being held mostly by Mama
Bath Time
Diaper changes
Being on her back
If Mama walks out of a room
Dairy (Thank you Jesus for Colief)
Eight months has sounded so old to me this month but Blakely is still so dependent on me that it gives me comfort that these long, long days are giving me just a little bit more time with her as a baby. This girl is literally obsessed with me which is so different from Brady. He would go to anyone at anytime with zero fuss. Blakely freaks if I put her down and I can just forget about leaving a room with her in it. I literally have to ninja my way out of her sight or it's game. over.
This month has been a BIG month for her. She is cutting two more teeth up top and we finally have MOVEMENT. Girlfriend is doing her own version of crawling and it is just the cutest. She can also say "da-da-da-da" which is super annoying since she only wants me to hold her and I did carry and birth her, ya know?

Her lovey
ALL FOOD including Thanksgiving dinner
Remotes or anything with buttons
The christmas tree lights
Smiling at new people and then cuddling towards mama to hide
Being able to move
Putting EVERYTHING in her mouth
When mama makes her hold her bottle
Diaper Changes
Napping anywhere but her crib
When her high chair tray is empty

As always we are busy, but I am determined to soak up these last few months of my baby's first year. Blakely, you are growing so fast and I am so excited for our bond to only grow closer.
Happy 8 months little girl!