Wow, where did the summer go? I feel like I was picking out bathing suits just yesterday. As summer ends I am reminded of where we were this time last year. We were getting ready to take our first big trip and Brady was just a little nugget of a person. Here we are at 14 months, a whole year old!
Everyone warned me about the newborn days. "Oh, you can forget sleeping. Oh, my baby has nuclear reflux and gets sick every time she breathes! Yours probably will to." Then there are all of those awful stories that people share about the terrible twos. However, Brady was the easiest baby during his first twelve months and we obviously aren't at the twos yet. But Oh. My. Goodness. Why did NO ONE warn me about the ones.
Brady is hell on wheels now that he is mobile. He can crawl at super sonic speeds and by the time I reach him he has usually wedged himself into some god-forsaken place in our house that is covered with dog hair and remnants of a snack from the week prior.

We made the decision a few weeks ago that I would be staying at home part-time. I couldn't wait to find more time to organize the house, work on some pinterest projects, and help Brady with his verbal communication skills. HA! What. A. Joke. I keep trying to figure out what drugs these moms are on that give them the energy to make Elsa pancakes for their kids all before 8 AM. Eggo Waffles anyone?
I was just thinking to myself the other day, "How in the world is my house messier now than it ever was when I working full time?" Then it hit me. We are actually living in our house now. Before we were never home except to get ready and for bedtime. Now we work, play, and live in these spaces day-to-day; of course they are going to be a T-total mess now.
But, it is completely worth it. It has been so jaw dropping to watch Brady enter a new season. Just as quickly as summer passed so has Brady's babyhood. He is such a big boy now. Just the other day he crawled up on to his bean bag stool and drank his smoothie from a mason jar. I couldn't believe how big he looked. Change can be exhausting, whether it is a new milestone or a new family dynamic. We are dealing with both in our lives right now. But the joy I find in this little boy makes this new season of our lives and all the exhaustion that comes with it so T-totally worth it.