Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Three flights in four days was absolute insanity. But I wouldn't have traded it for the world. We had the best time. It was a little sneak peak into how fun our summer is going to be.
After landing in Chicago we rented a mini van and headed out to do some sight seeing. Not gonna lie I am warming up to the idea of a true mom-mobile. Definitely not in the commitment phase yet, but getting there.
We grabbed lunch and then headed to the Lincoln Park Zoo. It is entirely free and easy to navigate with two little kiddos. We went on a Thursday afternoon so there was hardly anyone there which was super nice. The babes did great and watching the two of them together is seriously the best.
Friday was Jeff's graduation. It was such an excellent reminder of how privileged we are to live in a free country. I am so proud of the commitment he has made to our country and what it stands for.
Jeff was able to have the rest of the day off base so we headed downtown to the navy pier. It was so relaxing to stroll around with the kids and just cut up.
This basically sums up the end of our vacation....
Saturday my family headed back home and Brady and I headed to St. Louis. One of my dearest friends, Abbie, has lived there since graduating college. We got married around the same time and were pregnant together. It was such a bummer to live in different parts of the country during some of the biggest moments of our lives so any chance that I can visit is a win.

Little buddy got his very own seat on the flight there. It was so crazy watching him act like a big boy on the plane. He is just growing up so very fast!
From the airport we headed to the St. Louis zoo where we ate at the boathouse. Amazing food with an amazing view! Brady and his new bestie were so sweet babbling and playing together. Such cuties!
It is such a blessing to have this amazing Godly girl as my friend. I hope to see this sweet family again soon!
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