Blakely's Five Month Update

FIVE Months baby girl! You are an absolute joy in our life and though I wish you were little forever I am having the best time of my life watching you grow. You are so laid back and absolutely LOVE watching your brother. I can tell it is going to be your life goal to keep you with him and all of his shenanigans. 

You are such a big girl now. You are sitting up with some help and are rolling all over the room. I can't take my eyes off of you for more than a few seconds before you are on the other side of your tummy time blanket. You are cooing and oohing when other people talk to you and your big belly laughs are our absolute favorite.

You tried your first few bites of baby food this month. You initially pushed it out with your tongue. I figured you weren't quite ready and got up to put it back in the refrigerator. Girlfriend would NOT have it. You lost your mind when you saw me walk away with it. I sat back down and you finish the entire jar. Food is life. 

Five Month Stats:

Weight: 16 lbs 3 oz
Length: **Need to find the milestone sheet! 

Anything for teething
We are STILL waiting on these teeth to come in from all the drooling that you are doing.
Baby food: Pears and squash are crowd pleasers
Sitting up
When we help you stand
Car rides
The Beach

The first five minutes of nap time...serious FOMO issues.

We can't believe you have been with us for almost half a year. You are the most precious little girl and we love you to the moon and back! 

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