24 Weeks

All of you mamas that said your second pregnancy flies by weren't kidding. With Brady I knew down to the day how far along I was. This time I feel like a total deer in the headlights when someone asks me how far along I am.  It's as if I said 4 months for a really long time only to wake up one day and realize I was SIX MONTHS! 

Brady is really starting to realize that my belly is changing. One of the sweetest moments this week was when I was laying with him before bed and he kissed my belly with no prompting and said "Hi, baby sister!" Seriously pregnancy hormones were out of control after that. 

How Far Along? 24 weeks

Size of Baby: Right over 1 lb. However with the way she moves I feel like she is SO much bigger! 

Gender: Sweet baby girl! 

Weight Gain: Not sure, but at my 22 week appointment I weighed in right at 126. Total gain of 6-7 pounds. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes! I tried to squeeze into my gap jeans I have had since high school. The button went through the loop but let's just say I looked like a sausage busting out of the skin. 

Nursery: 90% of the way done and I have literally done none of it! Thank you Jesus for amazing moms and sisters! Can't wait to take a few photos and share soon! 

Movement: NON-stop. This is such a change from Brady. It has been weird to feel movement while teaching piano, driving, or just sitting on the couch. It is literally all over the place throughout the day! 

Symptoms: This is a big change from Brady as well. I had hardly any symptoms with him. With this baby I have nose bleeds almost every day and the Charlie Horse leg spasms have started at night. It has brought my night time routine to a whole new level to make sure I don't wake up with either of these symptoms. SO, so crazy. 

Sleep: Eh, it's on and off. Some night I sleep all night long and hard. Other days I wake up to go to the bathroom various times at night. Only to have a sporadic nose bleed while trying to get back to the bed, all while screaming about a leg cramp. It's a total crap shoot on what kinda night it's going to be. 

Cravings: Nothing in particular. 

What I Miss:  Being able to walk up (or down for that matter) a flight of steps without feeling like I need an inhaler. 

Best Moment This Week:  FRIENDSGIVING dinner and Thanksgiving dinner all in one week! YES to all that good food. 

Looking forward to:  The holidays. I know it's pretty cliche but once the new year hits we will only be 2 short months from meeting Blakely baby! 

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