Charlotte & Josiah: A Suggested C-section

Charlotte and I went to school together back in Charleston. She is an incredible example of a hard working mom that would do anything for babies. Reading her birth story reminded me that sometimes things don't always go as planned and medical professionals are sometimes only as good as the technology they possess. Despite her not being able to choose her birth plan Charlotte gave birth to a handsome little boy who is the light of her life! 

            It was a few days before New Years 2012 when I found out I was pregnant.  My husband and I had been married less than 4 months at the time so it came as a happy surprise.  Hundreds of worries and questions immediately entered my mind in the minutes following the news. The one thing that I never had to think about, though, was how I planned to give birth. I had done clinicals at the birth clinic and knew that I wanted an all-natural vaginal birth with no pain meds. My pregnancy was so smooth. I barley had any morning sickness, and I only threw up once. I was in EMT school and didn’t miss any days; I was able to work my clinicals both in the ER and on the ambulance with no problems. I had a lot of energy! Then at my 37 week ultrasound I was informed that the baby was measuring big and that I might need a c-section.
             I was dead set against it, God made my body to be able to have babies. Why would I “need” a c-section. My doctor explained to me that my son was measuring about 11lbs and that he was afraid that if I tried to deliver he was going to get stuck in the birth canal which could be fatal. It could also hinder my ability to have more children. His shoulder might also get stuck and he would never be able to use it. I was terrified. The thought that if I delivered naturally I could potentially hurt my child didn’t make sense. I was only 21 and I didn't want to loose the ability to have more babies. I was afraid. So I listened to my doctor and set the date for the c-section at 39 weeks. 
            I went in on that morning knowing that in less than 3 hours I would have my baby boy here. I was excited to finally meet him, but I still didn’t want to have the c-section. I got my IV and shortly after they took me into the OR. The anesthesiologist gave me the spinal. As I starred into my husband’s eyes I was filled with every emotion I knew. Instantly, I started going numb. They laid me on the table and started to prep. They placed a blue drape up so no one could see anything. With my mom on one side and my husband on the other they started to cut me open. I felt very weak and suddenly I heard a monitor beep and saw panic on my mother's face. 
            The anesthesiologist gave me some medicine and told me my blood pressure had dropped dangerously low, but that this would help. After that the process happened so fast and at exactly noon my son was born. What a precious cry! They placed him on the scale…7lbs 14oz. After admiring him and kissing his face, I tried to not think about how angry I was at the doctor. They showed him to us and then he was whisked to the nursery for his exam. My husband went with him and my mom was able to stay with me. It took about 30 minutes for the doctors to sew me up.


                Come to find out I had an abnormally large amount of amniotic fluid. The amount of fluid threw off the measurements from the ultrasound. I struggled with the idea that since I didn’t get to give birth naturally it made me less of a mom. I have since made my peace with it. I now have two beautiful children, both happy and healthy.  

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