I am slowly making my way back into the blogging world. And just as things started to calm down with work we had to go and make a huge life decision....
That's right WE ARE MOVING!
It all started a few months ago when I jumped on realtor.com for fun. I found this gorgeous victorian home a few miles from where we lived. I have seen houses that I liked before, but not like this. Something about this house was screaming, "Come look at me!" So I called up our realtor and asked if she could show it to me. She responded with saying she was excited that Brian and I were looking. Oh, yeah. Brian. I completely forgot that I need him when viewing/purchasing a home. Long story, short I convinced Brian to 'fall in love' with it to and we put in an offer only to find out we had been out bid by $500.
I was heartbroken.. like my boyfriend had just dumped me. Like right before prom. Heartbroken. But God knew what we needed and that house was not it. So we decided to slow things down and start praying about what was right for our family. We waited and waited and finally while we were in DC another house popped up that I fell for.. and hard. But houses move within 2-3 days here so I knew that the chances of us even getting to see it were slim to none. But alas when we got back home 5 days later it was still on the market.
I can't wait to show some of the before and after pictures of a few projects we already have in mind. I have been stalking pinterest and online shopping like it's my job. (If anyone knows a way you can actually get paid for that let me know ASAP.) In the midst of all this we put our condo on the market and that beauty sold in 18 hours. Can you believe it! Nope, neither can we.
So now packing is in full swing, but like any good mama knows you gotta double fist some chocolate ice cream in the midst of the craziness!