33 Weeks
Brady and I enjoying our last day of Spring Break
How far along: 33 Weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: This past Wednesday I weighed in at 136.9. So I'll round down and take 136! : )
Maternity clothes: On and off... I have been wearing a lot of gym clothes as we were out of school this week. However, the bathing suit in this week's picture is maternity. You can find it here. If anyone is going to be pregnant during the summer I definitely suggest it.
Stretch marks: Nope, but I have feeling they are coming. My skin has been feeling pretty tight.
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Sleep: I was sleeping great until about Thursday around 3 am. I woke up with killer cramps and lower back pain. I thought it was just Braxton Hicks. However, there was no regular or irregular intervals to watch. Just cramping. I did call the Dr. She said take two tylenol and drink a ton of water. Also, to take it easy and sleep on my left side. I followed her directions and have felt great ever since.
Best moment this week: Brian and I opted to stay home this weekend versus going to Hilton Head on vaca. I was kinda bummed, but now I am so glad we stayed. We got a ton done in Brady's room and I spring cleaned like it was going out of style. It was such a relaxing week. Plus, I got my maternity photos done! I LOVE them! Post to come.
Worst moment this week: Right now... knowing that school is starting back up tomorrow.
Miss anything: Nothing new.
Movement: TONS! I am loving this stage of pregnancy for the most part. I feel Brady move all the time and I am starting to be able to make out hands from feet and his head from his butt. Love this little guy so much!
Cravings: Watermelon and sugared corn on the cob. However, I think that is due to the season, not so much the pregnancy.
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: I am ready to bust out the next 5 weeks of school! We are so close to the end for sure! Also, our pool opened up this weekend. I can't wait to spend the next few weekends by the lake and poolside. Lastly, my college besties are throwing me my big baby shower next weekend! I can't wait to see everyone and spend time celebrating Brady!